Bennett Creamery Co. , Seas Mire Bennett, z snknovistes receipt of your letter and enclosed check for four reserved 1941-42 ba cketbell season tickets. I am turning then over to Er. Berl Palkenstien, Pinancial Secretary of the Athletic Association, whe will give your © erder immediate attention. I have asked him te give you conte : as near as possible to the place that you indicated that you pre« ferred. The tickets will be $6.16 spiece and there will be an additional 2 charge of 10¢ for insured postage. This will bring the totel — ast te 246045 | : I em very happy to be ef service to you end it WAS & ‘ploasure to : attend to this matter, ASSUre YOUs ed | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Reersation Versity Basketball and Baseball Coach