Haroh G, 1920. The gune Friday night will determine whether er not there wait he & thitoosty G84 Par ths Bg ate Sheisdcnatiie, if Okdlehem wins, and there is a threse ee ee an ee Oe ene ee ee ee heave to schedule play-offs early the following week to determine the representative to 1 in the NeCehehe pap tournament to be held in “Nansas City on March * play-off on March 1] and 12. . «Trust that it will nob be nesessary for me to miss your basketball banquet on the 12th. lowever, I shall — advise you just as soon as possible. | Very sincerely yours, 7 bireeter of Piyeioal ‘iuoation end Rosrentton, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache