UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATIONS. March 18, 1940 Gwinn Henry, . athletic director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Gwinn: This is just a brief note in passing to express my high regard for the splendid advance ——- work cone for us recently Horace rece tt. Big Six indoor track meet and also on the N.C.A.A. Asketball. I am sure that all of the other press association and newspaper eperte writers in town will concur with my opinion that Horace was the most valuable man in the hall on the night of the indoor meet. In addition, the advance brochure and statistics which he mde AVAilable to each of us in plenty of time for our roundups and dope stories was the most comprehensive I have ever seen, Today he dropped in with complete rosters of each of the four ~ competing teams in the N.C.A,A meet, including first names, weight height and home town, in addition to the season record of each team as its games were played. All of this, Gwinn, is mde more emphatic to us by the strict contrast which was offered in the handling of publicity for the national intercollegiate basketball tournament by a private press syndicate. This aeeeeote at no time Gay ie the weeks before the tournament made any effort to provide us with advances with which to build up interest in the meet, nor was it possible for us to even find out which teams had entered the meet until two aays before it started. My only motive in writing to you at this time is to thank you for sending Horace around when he was needed most. I guess it is just wishful thinking, however, to hope that he might be available this week-end. ith the Kansas relays and your own basketball team in the meet to be exploited, he probably will have his hands full without taking care of us. Anyway that is how things stand. i Best R 9 Govt : Carl Lundquist. ccf FCA