December 28, 1959¢ yi ls I assure you of my kindest and best wishes you and your good femily, and my sincerest efforts will to always be to have Charles realize his greatest capabilities. Wath all good wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year, I am yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coacthe FCAsAH COUNCILMEN MAYOR A. B. Burks Ci (y of De Soto Harry Dicken Charles Kaegi Charles Wiard < CITY CLERK Saad Garcons De Soto, Kansas : Feels Staebbery F. B Strickland C.H. Linden December 1st,1939 Dr.F. C.Allien. Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sir:— I received your letter of November 24th, regarding Charles and if you have been disappointed in him you may well imagine my feelings regarding the whole thing. I had felt for sometime that all was not as it should be but I was unable to place my finger on any particular thing ané I am more than pleased that it has turned out as it has for otherwise it might have been too late. I had a long talk with him as soon as he Came home Sunday and I gave him your letter to read also one which I received from Mrs.Lowe,thus proving, I think that I was not the only one disappointed in him,and I am sure that it has had its effect. I know that you will not have to worry about his smoking any more and I feel that it will not be long until he has his grades back to where they should be. Reg-rding Mrs.-Green, I think that if you will get to the bottom of things there that you will find that most of the complaint is not directed to- ward Charles,however Icdo not doubt that there has been some but. she certainly has — grand to the boy and is still being that way. There are some other things that I would like to talk to you about rather than write and I will try to see you within the next few days. Thanking you for your interest,I am Yours Truly damary 13, 1940. lire. George Lupfer, 1308 Ohio Street, lawrence, Kensase Dear George: Thanks and congratulations on your splendid performance at the basketball game last night between halves. You made a big hit with the audience, and I want you to Imow that we are indeed grateful to you for your contribution to the evening's entertaiment. With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Conchs January 18, 19406 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAll Varsity Basketball Coache Noi from aa ever Duk 1/17/40 to Dre Allen Criticism of McCurdy & Larson == Physiology of Exercise: Good on cardio-vascular tests; fine for reference work in remedial and kinesiology, etee, but not good as texte DONALD R. LIDIKAY Superintendent Council Grove Public Schools DEDICATED TO THE PURPOSE OF INCLUDING TRUTH, HONOR, AND VISION INTO LOCAL COMMUNITY LIVING. Council Grove, Ransas January 24, 1940 Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of January 15 with reference to addressing our athletic banquet on January 22. My delay in answering your letter is due to indefinite information from the local Chamber of Commerce which will sponsor the banquet. The banquet has finally been postponed indefinitely due to unfavorable weather conditions and a full calendar. As S00 epee ae date is set I will write you again/ that the date will not conflict with your work and plans. Sincerely yours, COUNCIL GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOLS O70 D. R. Lidikay DRL: PB Superintendent Jamumry 27, 1940. a ea ey a ia tla: OD HE He ee ay! Tlie 4 a ca ange! Ue iy adil ; i rie Ui i ai ayy! Wes ee ue i ie i 1 hi itt isk i em glad that you had a nice visit with Glem and Jimmy end lise Coxe You certainly keep good company. With all good wishes for your greater success, I am Director of . Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Conds ee, A La Finns! SNOW DRIFT “COVER” AS_CO-EDS FIRE AT TARGETS! Members of the girls’ rifle team of the University of Kan- targets. L. to r., Helen Naramore, Lawrence, Kan.; Ruth sas at Lawrence, Kan., take advantage of the heavy snow- Garnett, Pharr, Tex.; Gertrude Kaufman, Kansas City, fall to get in some target practice, a la Finland. They are Mo.; Margaret Ogden, Eudora, Kan:, and Ann Right- using a snowdrift as a “cover” as they blaze away at the mire, Oklahoma City, Okla. ‘(International News Photo) es ae > Gy Pau as, ees ae ven + OSS W wie w bit eas. a nee fo Bargnani, Oh TB SOfane - i Assos, AAs Suda,” See - Miss Mary Ke Lattiner, c/o o Yo eCele, Tulsa, Oklahomie Dear Mary Kes " liciae ‘Diiside aciaiisiat: Sethian i Wmiiniiees sides: should have been answered a long time sincese Nevertheless, I will take this opportumity to try to give you the infometion you wishe if you have available there eS Se Oe See Jay Be Nash*ts “Administration of Recreation and Playgrounds" analhiih Gini Siaatogias of sadimipctiein toline «eaniien Mand: cooperative groups such as you mentioned, particularly in louston, Temase Cenerally these groups need some sponsoring existing organ- ization, such as the TeMeCohe, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, and so on, and then in cooperation civic bodies and the city government are abe to get « ecoperative secmwation progr started. I would also advise you to write to the ational Recreation Association, 315 Fourth Avenue, lew York City, and get a list of their pamphlets and publications. they usually charge a small fee for theme Game of am, I om mum, Wild be very helpful to yous Also, in the last couple of years’ the Works Progress Adnin~ istration Division of Professional and Service Projects, Vashington, De Ce, have been getting out a series of mimeographed booklets on various phases of recreation, and it seens to me that you would be able to get a considerable amount of information from the one on "Report of College Conference on Training Recreational Leaders". Why don"t you write to or. Edward C, Lindeman, Director of Recreation- al Division of the Works Progress Administration, and ask him for any available mimeographed naterial that he has on the recreational programe 4 if I haven"t answered your questions satisfactorily I would be plegsed to do so without so much delays We have just completed Stnnke fad 1 Set got wy qedes in the emg met zhes So I am off for the day. ; : 2s With: Mbit peveenall. seed Hain nt Wael oak he the department, I an iA Sincerely yours, . Ee Re “bel, ERBsAH : | Assoce Professor, Physical niente Wwe will soon abl Le Ana 3 - ‘February 2, 19406 Mirae Hulteen mailed you @ copy of the lest suenak newsletter et Riehnmd, Michigane If you did not got it let us Imow and we will be glad to send you another onse wee OSE whaten So ree a Be Soe ee ee Gon, I em Director af Mixfsioe) Bavention and Reoreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache February 3, 1940. rst inter= 5 barf ae is il : hi Ely he y fet q ‘ [a el gags = Director of Physical Education and Recreation, — Varsity Basketball Coache With all good wishes, I am ire Ge Ee Truby, oo of Schools, L. W, GLINKMAN, DIRECTOR Oo. L. HIEBER, TREASURER W. ©. HENDERSON, CLERK LANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS G. E. Trusy, SUPERINTENDENT LANE, KANSAS February 1, 1940 Dre Fe Ge Allen: Athletic Department Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens Since you brought us our commencement address I have looked forward to your coming to our commun- ity again. This year marks what I think has been above the average basketball season for us. We are planning to have a dinner for the players and their fathers and we should like to have you be with us and bring us a message that night. We have tenitively set the date for March 19. If possible and you care to accept the inviti- ation it will make a most joyous occasion for uSe Kindly tell us your charge. Trusting that we may receive a favorable reply, I remain Very truly yours Mae Fonte AK. Ge E. Truby GET: DH February 12, 1940¢ Mire Ge Be Truby, Lane, Lansase Dear lite Trubys I have received your letter of the 8th instant, end will be very glad to be with you on March 12th. Will you kindly let me lmow the time_of your meeting? Assuring you it will be a pleasure to see you, IT en Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache L. W. GLINKMAN, DIRECTOR ©. L. HIEBER, TREASURER W. ©. HENDERSON, CLERK LANE PUBLIC SCHOOLS G. E. TRUBY, SUPERINTENDENT LANE, KANSAS February 8, 1940 Dre Fe Ge Allen Department of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens Thank you so much for your recent acceptance to attend a basketball bariquet with us on the night of March 19. Since this inviation has been extended there has been a necessary conflict of our school sched= ule with that of the county activities and we shall | be forced to set another date for our banquet. Could you come on Tuesday, March 12? If not this date, I would appreciate your suggesting a date on which you will be available. . Assuring you that it is with deep regret that this change is necessitated. Trusting however that we may arrive at a convenient date, I remain Sincerely yours “ge, e . Truby GiT:DH _ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereati.on, FCA; AH | Varsity Basketball Coathe DONALD R. LIDIKAY Superintendent Council Grove Public Schools DEDICATED TO THE PURPOSE OF INCLUDING TRUTH, HONOR, AND VISION INTO LOCAL COMMUNITY LIVING. i Council Grove, Ransa abucery 11/140 ; Me. FC Ullwy/ - Raetwitnict, Aawece” February 19, 1940. u i a 4 ¢ Ssafiedaih teeny, ecb I wesdialhand tie world edens GAs you Seren 2 Drake Relay boosters to keep the Relays up to your fine efficiency. ly kindest regards and sincerest wishes for your continued and complete recoverye Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache February 20, 1940. Lowe ¢: Campbell athletic Goods Cos, 2509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Mssourie Near Sires : gf 5 | I em enclosing a aketeh af end quote us the prices regarding the sameg We probably ten of these. : ul February 22, 1940. rg! Ying Long, Prenident, The Be De Tyner Construction Coe, 85th and Holmes, : Kansas City, Moe Dear Bills i am very sorry that the tickets for the Missouri game have been sold out for more than two | Menhattan our Mre Falkenstien, financial secretary of letic Association, had sold all the standing roon ave I de not see how in the world it will be possible for ily : sid Gis aie Cece Gaus una 8 ast eae ak nn Pees ; than to talk over the early days in basketball. ole wish that I might offer you a pair of ducats for those games, but there are no complimentary tickets as the proceeds go to the National Collegiate fund, and the National Collegiate is paying the expenses of all the teams participating. ut I would like to see you during _ those tines. It is too bad thet we do not visit more, isn't it, 5411? Wath all good wishes, I am | Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH | Varsity Basketball Conche THE E. D. TYNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PAVING CONTRACTORS 851th AND HOLMES nae. Kis aunn/ Melee KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI , Pebruary 27 Hon. Alfred M. Landon Topeka, Kansas Dear Ip. Landon: Dre Allen has referred your letter of February 26th to this office for reply in — to the basketball tickets for the game Friday night. : All of the tickets are handled news; and since he does not heve any tickets, he asked that we handle the MAGEE We have been ent! irely sold out of re seat tickets since Feb: sth and have been sell- a pack end of the main floor and ssion in the sew nd balcony sinee that time. The demend for valcony tickets hes | been quite Shey today, efter the team hav: won from Nebraska | and Iowa State. I am sure you would not want either of these — locations, and the only alternative we have is to offer you _ tickets - for chair seats somewhere down next to the court. _ We have already sold all that we think we ean possibly crowd in around the court, but if you are will- ing Se Soke prem snaene Se SET Shy 86 Sew SG Aeme aoe | These tickets will be .75, and we will await your Instruction before doing anything more about it. ; Regrett ing that we do not have some- —— more desirable, = am Very — yours, Bele ereeaiiiis ey Ue Of Kans. — oe | Corp. SLF: iW Lite Sidney Linscott, Hane State Benk, Brie, Kanes. Dear SlLdneys I an terribly sorry tht your letter arrived so Iste that there were no tickets to be had, with the on of standing roome The reserved seat tickets had been sold out for nearly a monthe That is the reason I offered to play in Kansas City so everybody could have a chance to see the gamd. You can rest assured that if there was any possible way to get the tickets we would got them for yous. I tuned your letter over to it. lmrl Palxonstien, financial secretary of the Athletic Association, and he has doubtless written you, but i wanted to convey ny regrets end best wishose Very cordially yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POAsAT Varsity Basketball Coaches February 27 9 4 Home State Bank Erie, Kansas Dear Me. Linscott: . Drs Allen has referred your letter of February 26th to this office in regard to tickets for the Kanses-Missouri basketball game Friday evening. We have been out of reserved seat tickets since February 15th and the only thing we have at the present time is standing room on the main floor or gén- eral admission tickets in the second balcony. I am sure you would not want to make the trip here to watch the came from either location, as you wilinpot be able to see the game very well. | Your cheek is being returned, and we are indeed sorry that there is not something avallable that would give you a location from which you could enjoy the game, | Vory sincerely yours, E. Le Pa kenstion, fee! Ae of Kans, Physe Bdu. , EBLF:I¥ 3 , En¢e le SIDNEY S.LINSCOTT, Aresident CARL V. RICE, Vice President L.T. LINSCOTT, Cash/er ERIE, KANSAS February £6, 1940. iy dear Phog: I know all the tickets are sold out for the K.U. - M. U. game, but if you can possible find four that can be had, Sidney, Jr. Joe Jacobs, Stanley Olson and I will come up. Sidney thought he had his own, but cannot find it. I haven't been up this year because we have been so busy, but should take time off for one game. If you are just unable to make the find, we won't do anything but save our money and stay home. Hope you do it these last games. Sidney. Just fill in this check.