1740 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C, Get. 27, 1939 Dr. Forrest ¢C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc Allen: When you introduced me to Warren Woody in Chicago you introduced me to an amazing character, Even at this late date I am not quite sure whether he is real, mythical, or just a creation of the imagination, But perhaps I had best go back and pegin at the beginning, Arned with letters: of introduction from you and Prof, Flint I descended upon Chicago at the end of August. Hoping against hope that I could "crash" the big city I walked into the offices of Mr. Woody and Mr, Younggreen. Mr. Woody treated me like a father, He wined and dined me at the Chicago Athletic Club and we talked about K.U.'s football fortunes, college memories, jobs, and many others,.... I have seen people give others such consideration many times,- but it has been because they expected big returns.... Maybe a big order for their company and commissions.... But Mr. Woody had a Ssincereity and a desire to help another such as I have never seen,.. Perhaps that is why his office wall" covered with portraits autographed: "Io my friend Warren Woody" Telling me that I'd make a grand insurance salesman he offered me a job with his agency. With the explana- tion that I wanted to do something else.... something that I liked to do..... Mr. Woody pitched in and gave his help so that I might find the right kind of a job. Mr. Younggreen did the same thing and between them they introduced me to the entire executive personnel of advertising in Chicago and New York, I have made some grand tcontacts' on Time Inc, MeGraw Hill, Crowell Publishing Co., Hearst Magazines, N.B.C.,; and many other places,