| Lowe's Hatchery PURINA EMBRYO FED CHICKS TOPEKA, KANSAS @ NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS @ AUSTRA-WHITEHYBRIDS @ WHITE WYANDOTTES © WHITE LEGHORNS @ BUFF ORPINGTONS @ WHITEGIANTS @R.I.WHITES @ WHITE ROCKS @ BARREDROCKS @ BUFF ROCKS @S.C.REDS PHONE 3-1252 216 EAST 6TH ST. November 27, 1939.6 Des Fe Gx Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas e Dear Dre Allen: I received your letter only yesterday, as it had been forwarded from De Soto. I am dreadfully sorry to hear about the boys, particularly Charles, since I recommended him so highly. Perhaps the sudden transition from a small town has been too great a changee I really don't know how to account for his dismal failure to appreciate what is being done for him, and I know that you have done everything in your power for both Charles and Jacke I intend to inform Charles' father of the situation and I will do what I can to influence the boyse They have always listened to me, and I have more or less taken Charles “under my wing’ His failure to measure up scholastically has absolutely no explanatione He is above average mentally and should find that end of it easye He IS lazy, but I was firmly convinced that he would overcome that under the stumulus of greater things to comee Dre Allen, I do want you to know that I appreciate your efforts, because a man with as many more important interests as yours, would ordinarily have ignored boys who don't cooperate more readily than these fellows seem to have donee Thank you so much for informing me about the situation, and as soon as I can, I will see what little I can d0. We took some friends from Missouri to see the basketball game the other night. They wete so impressed, and we were so proud to have them see the exhibition, also our beautiful campuse I shall try to see you in the near future, if it is convenient with youe Bele Fove (hrs 03.0¢ do) COMPLETE POULTRY SERVICE PURINA POULTRY FEEDS MAKOMB POULTRY EQUIPMENT