_ fe : | But as soon as basketball was placed on the Olympics program, even though they stated that there was no chance for it, then they jumped on the "gravy Wagon and held on to 2% unt41 it was drained of every bit of self-respect as well as any finaneial income, : It is a long story, The University of Kansas and Utah Agricultural College played in Kansas City for the benefit of Olympic basketball, ani our income was over $10,000, The only money that the AAU got and spent was the money they received from the college basketball game, while the proceeds from their national AAU tourna- ment went directly to pay office expenses in New York, . I talked with the manager of the MePherson Qllers, ‘one of the groups that played in Madison Square Garden, He was one of the men who made the trip, He stated to me that the boys on both the Universal Picture — Company of Hollywood, first’ place winners in Amorica, and the NePherson Offers second place winners, thet the Olympic basketball competitors ectually had to put up their jowelgy and borrow money tc make out the trip to Berlin, It Was a. sorry mess, The colleges who had been primarily responsible in raising the ‘money have now refused to have any baskete ball in the Olympics for the future, There are only four sports that the colleges are supporting in the next Clympies, end they are asking that ovr coaches hendle these tears. Those four sports are swimming, rowing, wrestling end track and field, | : «EF T ean be of any service or give you any information thet will help you I will be very happy to '- @o so, I do not know the name of the individual who cares to stand out and make a fight egeinst this corrupt group because that very individuel has nothing to gein, Wo ee eee uld all be paper power, — These boys who want to play independent : basketball don't care enough about sticking with an individuel long cnough to whip the other outfit, They will play where it is most convenient to them, ; I have in mind the name of one man who has talked about a movemerit on foot in the United States to form ae national —_— basketball organization, the game as the CABA in Canada, but this individual's stand~ ing is not the kin? that I would care to recomonid, —