December 24, 1957s Mre P, Ca Popplewell, Southwest Wheel & Rim Cos, Inc., Dallas, TOxABe . Dear Ute Popplewell s Answering your caummication of the 22nd instant, beg to state that the Southwest Conference does have a no transfer rule, but the Big Ten and Big Six do not. Neither does the Missouri Valley Conference in our section. Freshnan competition does not count whether here or at another college, wiless the boy plays as a freshmen with a 120-hour college. If he does, his eaupetition counts ~ heres But 4f he playe with the frechman tean against other freshe MAL COREE, THRE COMPETE TEES Pen Aire Sees Bae Of course, it is necessary for him to be here one year in residence before he is eligible to plays D eae on ee Gee desire, and I wish you a very Merry and Prosperous Yuletide Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, FCAsAH Director of Physical Educations