January 24, 1938. Mere Sidney Se Linseott, Home State Bank, | Erie, K.nsase Dear Swede: Your son Sidmey, Jre, came in this mornings I had previously checked up with Mre Earl Falkenstien to see - that the tickets were available for hime It is very generous of you to take care of these boyse It certain- ly will give them a thrill, I am sure, and of sourse it will be a fine advertisement for the University of Kansas and the HomeStete Banke We had a tough game at Columbia. Missouri has a much better ball team than I thought they had, or maybe they played better against us as they never leave off any of — the, old Tiger fight when they meet the Jayhawkerse I told Siduey, dire, to have you slip up any morning, but you had better let me kmow when you are camings If you come Sunday it had better be right after lunch, be- cause i have a Sunday School class Sunday mornings Your physician is right. I am quite sure there is no necessity of en xereye i am wondering if you are wearing @ secro=-iliac belt. We often make these from Ford imdr tubes, and they hold the old back up in good shape so you Gan play golf and go about your business with much less pain than usul. Se ee oe and when you are coming upe A Also let mo Imow what you did to the Ids with that munber 5 iron and the putters Fraternally yours, Director of Physieal Education, a Varsity Basketball Coache