January 27, 19586 iiss Pauline Lawrence, 51 West 10th Now York City, N.Ye Dear Miss Lawrence: — icin ‘ula tie and Sittin ie ieee th informing us that the Hunphrey-Yieidman Dance Group will be ' g@vedilable in Lawrence, Kansas, on March Siste : The Central Distriet meeting of the Physical _ Education Association will be held in Mimneapolis on March SQe51 and April 1-2, and most of our people will be in attend~ aCe It will be impossible for us to take ad= ventage of the aveilebility of the dance group this year, but perhaps some other time if they are casing this my we may be more fortamate., We shall be giad to hear from you if they are in this section of the country in the futures Thenicing you for calling our attentio to the Hunphrey~tfeidman Dance Group, I am Sincerely yours, Binestes of Hantenl Ditalteny