eden: Rs THE FARMERS AND MERGHANTS STATE RANK {\~= 1) 4% AUGUST W. LAUTERBACH, PresiDent / t S.H. ALEXANDER, CasHIER st- c.M. MILLER, Asst. CASHIER \ 7 COLBY. KANSAS, fc y July 22nd, 1937 Dr, F.C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, “ansaSe Dear Dr. Allen: I have today conveyed to the Mc. Pherson boy the inessage you phoned me some time ago. He said he had planned going to Hays to school this winter but he would write you this evening. I was very pleased to hear your voice over the telephone the other evening and I hope I may have the pleasure of seeing you in the near future end go over more carefully some of the things mentioned. If you drive to ‘Colorado this summer do not fail to stop off to see me, Very sincerely yours, dango ferent President. eR ees $ in oa ety Ret Set A Sell hk a na "a oe sae a SeeR ea ue ae