West Birginia University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MORGANTOWN November 8 1941 Dre Forrest GC. Allen Director of Physioal Education University of Kansas Lawrence | Dear Phog: We regret that you were not m king the trip with the team, ‘altho, as far as the weather is concerned, you did not miss anythinge It has been a bitterly damp day, with the thermometer around 40, and one of our nasty west winds, and the field was very soft, even swim- ming in spotse It was saay 20 see that the K U players were much handicapped by this last condition, They put up a good game against a West Virginia team that seem@ to come to life today as it has not this whole seasone : I can appreciate how much it means to you to be director of physioal education and basketball coach instead of director of athletios, which at best, even with a winning team in most sports, including football, is a thankless taske However, I always thought that you were the kind of straight—shooting man that job needs; but it is hardly fair to wish that job on your kind of man eithere Maybe when you drive east to get your Eleanor and Bob, Mrse Allen and yourself will give us the pleasure of stopping bye We're almost on US 40, just 25 miles south of Tildutews, Pes We'll be hoping in that directione Please remember me to the men of Rotary who were members back in 1931-33. .I will be grateful to be remembered to Mrs, Allen, © and Mrs. Lindley, when you see her. With every best wish, I am Sinoerely, (ott. Wb err