December 3, 1937 Mire Monroe C. Lewis, 509 Olive Street, Ste Louis, Missourie Dear Poge:s This is in reply to your good letter of the 29th ultimo, Let me suggest tet you write at ounce to George Veenker, who is my successor as secretary of the Big Six directors. The athletic directors and coaches are meeting at Kansas City this week end, and they may pick officials. But, really, Poge, the football coaches are meeting now among themselves and making the selections, and then after the selections are made the secretary of the Big Six writes to these officials andi asis if they can worke . Only in case of their not working or some break in the — liaison is the secretary of the directors asked te secure’ anyone else. | | He then commmicates with the directors end they with their coaches, asking for nominations, and after the nominations are made for positions that were not filled at that megting, then the secretary of the directors does function. The way I handled it was to get the nominations, write the officials, and if they coul@ work, ell was set. If they couldn't, we asked the coaches for other nominations | and then mttempted to procure officials aceording td that scheme. Biff? Jones, Stidhams,'Wes Fry, Don Faurot, Ad Lindsey — and Kruger are the boys that will pick their respective officials. With kindest regards and best wishes to you, Poges I am Sincerely yours, | Varsity Basketball Coach, FCAsAH . 3 Director of Physical Educatione ee