Newamber 9, 19387 | ig,Swode, that Coffeyville boya have com up every tima, but they have never remained here due to their ineligibllitys Some time shen I have an opportwmity to telk with = os you I will explain the situation dow theres Missouri has — 7 eee Soe ee Se oe 3. Sincerely yours, PCASAN : Director of Physical Bducatione CRE LN STATO, CARL V.RICE,Vice President L T-LINSCOTT, Cashier ERIE KANSAS : S.RTRIBBLE, Asst Cesh/er > A CLEAN ye Ba Ge SIDNEY S.LINSCOTT, Presidenr November.6, 1957. DP. F. C. Alien, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Phogs Last evening we attended the K.U. banquet at *arsons and had a nice crowd, had we had that this evening we would have gone wild, knowing the score. I beleive a tie is almost a win, with Nebraska. Anyway we cured them of putting their second team in. While at the Bankers meeting at Coffeyville Tuesday I had a visit with Chas. Ice. He is and has been at the head of the Poase of Education there for years, He told me the two boys playing half back on the Missouri Team were Coffeyville boys. I rather took it that they felt offended because one of their boys went up Some years ago and they didn't use him, so others got discouraged. Lets cultivate Chas. Ice and fellows like that and See of we can't keep these Kansas boys in *ansas. I notice Caldwell didn't Last long in the game today Fraternally yours, ‘ Sidlasta S Cicadas te ey ee ee ey Pebruary 2, 19386 Mire Ralph Lupfer, Larned, Kansase Dear Mr. Lupfer: | Thule: wet tee ale Wily telah inte ok Ween oF Jenvary« en ee ae Tenens Saas: Pine 2 eee eee . Swanped with a mass of detaile I an glad that you mdersteni the sttuntion, and I want to assure you that I would have no motive in baling of any students A group of four champion table temis players will oom Syon Tareng Ofty teach te play beleee: Sabin 6e ee gine \ games I talked to itr» Earl Falkeustien inthe Athletie Office, and it was he who talked to George and his mothers. ‘They reported to Mire Falkensiien that it would be uscessary that George have a roam suitable for juggling practices, and lite Falken~ gtien assured them that thers were a nmusber of rooms, and in his opinion they would have no difficulty in obtaining consent to the use of a room for such practices However, you can understand thet lire Falkenstion would Tt was Mr, Malkenstien who tallied to lirse Lupfer and George about the various entertaimment used at basketball games. I talked to I, Fralkenstien about his reply that sonething was paid, and his version does not agree with that quoted in your | lotiers ee ee ee ee Asseoiation amd it is his duty to write checks. He has written a check for any performance of this naturee So must have been « misunderstandinge All 2 tad fin telat for toergs eae’ 6 wedi him, anc if he had not liked it he should not have participateds We have given George a service that most other students in the University are not getting, and it is uy definite feeling that when he did put on his splendid performance he did not more than pay for the cow*tesies that have beon granted to him the whole oe g I can appreciate that people do ask peottettonst entertainers to give their weres free, but this was not such e proposition with George and the Physical Education Departnente IL thought there was reciprocity, and I thought George wea satis~— fed, as we wore, but I did not wut anyone to perform unless there was a happy acquiescence to reciprocate for favors already Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCASAT | _ Varsity Sasketball Coaches Larned, Kansas. danuary, 15, 1938, Pr, Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrenee, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I want to thakk you for your letter of the tenth and I want to write a most fréandly answer. That I wrote to Mr. Foster was largely due to what Was apparently a misstatement by someone connected with the gymnasium during your absence last summer. From the information imparted last summer, when I wrote Mr. Foster I assumed that you were taking advantage of George. To have someone try to take advartage of me arrouses me considerably and to have someone try to take advantage of some member of my family arrouses me in the same way. George's entering the tniversity last fall, depended on whether he could have a room that would be suitab&e for Juggling practice, a room that would be more or less private, for privacy is most essential for concentrated practice and a place to keep his equipment. Other colleges had promised such accomodations. We corregponded with the University last summer and were assured of such accomodations. “George and his mother drove to hawrence & short time before the opening date of the fall term for the purpose of checking up on the accomodations offered in the gymnasium and to secure a room where George would stay. Someone at the gymnasium told Mrs. LIupfer and George that various entertainment was used at the basket-= ball games between halves and that he thought George's Jucgling would be splendid entertainment for one of the games. Mrs. Lupfer asked if the entertainers were paid. He replied, "Yes they are paid something. If it is ametuer the pay is only a few dollars, but if the performance is by professi onals the pay is greater.” Since your letter establishes the above as a mis- statement of fact and sinee you gave Seorge the publicity and build-up you write about, let me say that I am glad George had the opportunity to perform between halves at the game. We will look back to it as an advertizing venture rather than as a gratis exhibition. iMost prof- essionsl entertainers are glad to, occasionally, disjlay their acts or talents to a crowd of potential buyers, when the entertainment is recognized as such, but they shy away from the invitations to perform for this, or that or that or that organization, eratis, with the best grace possible. The professional that starts giving free performances sonn finds himself in deep trouble with no demand for his services at pay and a dwindling demand for them gratis. You may dismiss my suggestion to Mr. Foster thatwf possible,George be given another chance to act for the Be University at pay. Since there are no p performers At ae a University event, I would not want Georee pe met £ ney that some individual had to prdvide. e Sinserely, SE IS Paste T i ee Ce p i By nt sit, ili du ‘ iG th aad iiss Sent a i ‘Bane a ite it pliant 234 4 i 5 a aot it iy feat val i a3 ae at atti aii He az ti a Ny Be i i lll es viii ee i ak ili il ti il Ine ly i HE Pie i P ie Hf {hah an a s A i li ii Ee abi ih a i tilt ip ai el re eye Bo iv i i itt Ht iis ; it inks in ti f He 3 a ah Hi it i plan | ii al ne i i ih Hie Hn it i: aT 2 : sate a ae i tie GENE I veally felt that I was doing everything reciprooai program ia which i will be glad to hoaw frau yous show George that it was a 3 q%aep fe eyle Hn Hep Varsity Basia Jamary 10, 1938. ae i ia i i! i st HD ul “i Hi . a i th i i Very sincorely YOUurs, 3 B Jemmary 10, 19386 Mr» George O». Foster, Registrar, University of Kancass Deaz* Gd. Oet ee Ralph Lupfer's Latinas ne i trust Very sincerely yours, . shisiatins ub aaah seinen tA c Varsity Basketball Coachs g ~ hbaeLR i - *RARe. act February 25, 1958. Mre Carl Lundquist, United Press Associations, Journal Post = Kansas City, los Dear Mre Lundquist: | In response to your request of February 24th I am enclosing herewith my selections for the first teaa, ee ee ee lee ee ee ee basketball teame Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache “Gites Wress Nes octations INCORPORATED '!N NEW YORK GENERAL OFFICES NEWS BUILDING NEW YORK CITY KANSAS CITY BUREAU, JOURNAL-POST BLDG. February 24, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. 4llen, Head Coach Sasketball, University of Kansan, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Ur. Allen: I am enlising the help of conference coaches in selecting the annual United Press 4ll-Big Six basketball team, which I plan to release for publication early next week, Will you please send, by return mail if possible, your selections for first team, second team, and honorable mention. Thanking you for your cooperation, I am With kindest regards, CO Carl Lundquist, Sports Editor. A National Magazine for Coaches and Directors of High School Athletics 250 CAST 4370 STRECT, NEW FORK, N.Y. February 21, 1938 Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: It was good of you to take the trouble to write us expressing your appreciation of the notice we gave "Better Basketball.” Our effort was slight considering the great work you have done with this book, and, for that matter with all basketball. K ae New |neu' ack Lippert Managing Editor SCHOLASTIC PUBLICATIONS: SCHOLASTIC HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER EDITION SCHOLASTIC COACH JUNIOR SCHOLASTIC Hovenber 24, 1937. pec oomace a chi ltecthe, Mtccourie | ties Me Tails i oe 2 | a aici dave elie GA iN wats dn Geuacas, sur ois Sa iah ok geek bento ee ae evening next “WES. tou sen seo by cur ge egg echt thet we emer mses vantncauanidions the future. shi tins sk ie tat ccs uk kv a versityelresiman game which will be played in Lawtense on Friday, Deceubor 3. 2, CeQuigley and his son will officiate ‘he games wo are using FaslkewLite goals, and putting on a lot of preperation for this gang. a di lee siblbnk or vicweat esithsae suciea mect for their monthly banquet. We have nearly 100 in our. _Rajors group, 60 you see I could not afford to miss that. Since our basketball squad does net retura uxtd2 Sd aa Calne the other days in the week must : necessarily be taken up in preparing our boys, s¢ I am afraid i eammot come. | 1 want to thank you f0r your ind offor, and I &ssure you that I appreciate it. With every good wish to you, I an FOA:AH Mrsetor of Physical Réusations ALLEN MOORE, PRESIDENT Wa.P.SLAYTON, HEAD Coacu T.E.LAIL,ATHLETIC DiRECTOR W. RAY HOWARD, Asst. CoAcH CHILLICOTHE, MISSOURI November 22, 1957 Dr. F. C. Alien Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: We are planning on having our annual football banquet one evening next week. We are wondering if you could arrange to be with us for this banquet and give a talk to the boys. We could arrange to have this banquet on any night from Monday to Friday, inclusive. I wish you would write me immediately and let me know if you could come and what he expenses would be. Very truly yours, {; ‘ Athletic Director Ey a STRUCTED AND owned Br C.BC. Ahamnnanernoncninon: cn ike i f | errangencnts | During the Trake Relays wo have always stayod there, and we heve just gotten in the habit of going to ow old hauates Twever', T want to thank you very much for your kind letter, and assure you that we appreciate your weitings I will drop in and see you when I om in tome | With every good wish of the Yuletide ‘Beason, J am Ce : Sincerely youre, PCA SAH | wie, are Decenber 24, 1957s ire Carry Rices, Mamger, Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Touts ‘Dear lr, Riggs: | hore will be 16 of our Kanens boys im the perty which will arrive in Des Moines at the Grand Avenue ee en ee Decenber 27e We will taxi over to your hotel, and then SORES Gn Wet ie hy Dee: SHEE Seen Fore Se I dmagine the double bed, two in & roam, will be entirely satisfactory for 16 pooples With every good wish, I on Sincerely yours, } | hareueh flier ghee ob ype Decenber 9, 1937s anne Abe price Sig. hie crvenguemeh we led with Obtenns However, Ottawa did not came in for a split of | the gate end if you feel that you should want to gamble on the We are plamning on playing the ome game, as Very cordially yours, | ‘Varsity Basketball Coach, | FCAsAE . Director of Physical Education BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Eugene Eberhardt Athletic Director, Normal a. gon, Washington and John Bunn Basketball Coach, Stanford Univer- sity—the Pacific Coast Conference, the states of California and Nevada, Forrest Cox Basketball Coach, University of Colorado, Boulder — the Rocky Mountain Conference and the states of Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. S. M. Clark Athletic Director, New Mexico Nor- mal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico—New Mexico and Arizona. Oregon State Ashland—Ore- Idaho. Al Baggett Athletic Director, West Texas Teachers, Canyon, Texas--the South- west Conference and the state of Texas. Henry P. Iba Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & M. University, Stillwater, Okla- homa—the state of Oklahoma and the Missouri Valley Conference. Pat Mason Athletic Director, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Missouri—Missouri and Kansas. R. G. Rogers Basketball Coach, Morningside Col- lege, Sioux City, Iowa—North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. W. B. Woodson Athletic Director, State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas—Arkana- sas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg Basketball Coach, Northwestern University, Evanston, Mlinois—Big Ten Conference and states of Wis- consin, Minnesota and Illinois. Roy E. Tillotson _ Athletic Director, Franklin College Franklin, Indiana—the state of Indiana. A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach, University of - Kentueky, Lexington, Kentucky— states in which are located members of the Southern Conference, South- _." Conference and the 8. I. — Roy Clifford Basketball Coach, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio—Ohio and Michigan. _ Max E. Hannum Basketball Coach, Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ —=Pennsylvania, — Virginia, Del- a le Director, Long Island Brooklyn, New York— State and the New Eng- MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI ATHLETIC DIRECTOR, BAKER UNIVERSITY, BALDWIN, KANSAS, E. S. LISTON CHAIRMAN December 7, 1957 mr. FF, € Allien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear *Phog"™: You will recall the telephone conversation from Kansas City relative to the scheduling of the "BY game. At that time I thought it very question- able that we would be able to offer any kind of opposition with the “"B" team, and after a couple of weeks practice, I find that it would still be impossible for us to give any kind of opposition as a "B" team, We will do the best we can for the Varsity, and we are going to steam it up. We plan to bring up a fifty or fifty-five piece band, and will pro- Ibably swell the crowd a couple of hundr red or SO. Unless it is advisable to sell tickets here, it would be less complicating if all of them are han- deled there. We should like to know the price of admission, however, so that we may give it some publicity. You may give me the blame for calling off the "B" game if that is necessary, The only excuse I have to offer is that there just isn't any "B" team at the present time, Very truly yours a¢ E. S. Liston Athletic Director DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 414 FOURTEENTH STREET ALEXANDER J. STODDARD, SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION WILLARD N.GREIM, DIRECTOR August 17, 19358 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Doc: Thank you very much for your letter of August 10 regarding A. Eugene Haylett. He has applied for a position here but it seems that we will not have a vacancy for the coming year that he might be able to Fiiis Please remember me to Mrs. Allen, and we will be looking forward to seeing you in the near future. Very sincerely yours, fice Bret Director of Health Education WNG dw OFFICIAL ROSTER, 1937-38 KANSAS, THE BIRTHPLACE OF OSTEOPATHY PRESIDENT LAWRENCE O. MARTIN, D. oO. 417 FIRST NAT’L. BANK BLDG. DOUGE CITY GGILAND A BUSH, D. 6. Kansas State Osteopathic Association HARPER PAST PRESIDENT (Incorporated) ee A DIVISIONAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION COMMERCIAL NAT’L. BANK BLDG. E . . . . . . mee a Ge ie neeaen Executive Office, 721 First National Bank Building RAYMOND L. DE LONG, D. O. 721 FIRST NAT’L.BANK BLDG. WICHITA WICHITA, KANSAS EDITOR-STATISTICIAN RAYMOND L. DE LONG, D. oO. pp nla Bee TRUSTEES Lice. Sy Rai ah ; ~ = +? BERTLE L. GLEASON, D. O., ’38 ori LARNED Apri R. RAYMOND WALLACE, D. O., ‘39 CALDWELL KARL M. PEARSON, D. O., '40 \ Tarpred fn Allan KANSAS CITY pr s For + 2st — @ A nw andlns ew’ Tl DELEGATES Kan a a 7 V RAYMOND L. DE LONG, D. O., '38 ee IRWIN E. NICKELL, D. O., '38 Lawr BERTLE L. GLEASON, D. O., ‘39 : : ALTERNATES Fe sea LAWRENCE O. MARTIN, D. O., '38 G. HAYDEN HOUSTON, D. o., '38 FRANK W. SHAFFER, D. O., '39 fi - STANDING COMMITTEES Vear or: DEPT. PROFESSIONAL AFFAIRS K. A. BUSH, D. O., CHM. ‘ MEMBERSHIP ee ee Anamat anal ne es y = tart = LAWTON M. HANNA, D. O., CHM. it. is my under stand Lng EAA Ou will be 2 i : l. 1 HESTER SAPPENFIELD, D. O. arinerina > 27 a AJ1rP atnletiec ; yy OREL L. HUTCHINS, D. oO. + incipa S as me = Aon LS tic. angquet in PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND Hi oh nm aan Aur A i? nt coca. as cea a i scl gyan Tuesday, ApPit By bere at See ©. 0.. cee Harper. If at any time-we can be of service to J. FAHRNEY SLIFER, D. O. Wo Xd won et av 4 con eo 3 With our scnoo ee oe you on your Stay in CoE = LON Wich our §& = Ly KARL M. PEARSON, D. O., CHM. and hoc board wh am a member »>Lease D. A. GIBBONS, D. 0. an i. ny * OF - cL oe ot 1S a > } wo E. F. MC CARTNEY, D. oO. it) +? s ac r CONVENTION ARRANGEMENTS ve = € S 9 gaa = 0 i GENERAL: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY RAYMOND L. DE LONG, D. O. > Pore : ne : 2 : Pal ‘ LOCAL: IOLA I realize your political set-up so far as BAYARD S. TWADELL, D. O., CHM. 5 = 3 : zi Eres _ = a IRA F. KERWOOD, D. 0. protess ong is concerned in your work, but i A. B. TWADELL, D. oO. ; ee : sh ae a es do not feel: that that will bother you in this FRANK W. S , D: O:, 5 os : 2 : oo ae ae see CHESTER A. TEDRICK, D. 0. community. eo if 1 can aid you in any way, please FRANK N. BARNES, D. O. e = ee a HOSPITALS feel open at any request. HERBERT C. WALLACE, D. O., CHM. Vv. A. LEOPOLD, D. o. THOMAS K. ORTON, D. 0. : ETHICS-CENSORSHIP Sincer Ly SLOAN H. NOLEN, D. 0., CHM. JAMES B. DONLEY, D. oO. WILLIAM S. CHILDS, D. o. DEPT. PUBLIC AFFAIRS R. RAYMOND WALLACE, D. O., CHM. INDUSTRIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE : | COURTNEY B. MYERS, D. O., CHM. | CHAS. S. MC MURRY, D. O. ROBERT C. CRAIG, D. O CLINICS IRWIN J. CONANT, D. O., CHM. LAWRENCE B. FOSTER, D. O. Vv. MAE LEOPOLD, D. oO. PUBLIC HEALTH AND EDUCATION JOSEPH S. JILKA, D. O., CHM. RUTH W. STEEN, D. O. CARLTON M, NOLL, D. O. MATERNAL-CHILD HEALTH AND WELFARE EARL C. LOGSDON, D. O., CHM. VICTOR R. CADE, D. O. NORLA SCOTT, D. O. OSTEOPATHIC EXHIBITS AT FAIRS, ETC. ‘ PAUL L. LEEPER, D. O., CHM. , ROY A. LEOPOLD, D. O. : EDMUND R. PALMER, D.:O. LEGISLATION Vv. A. LEOPOLD, D. O., CHM. EARL H. REED, D. O. DALE MC COY, D. oO. IRWIN E. NICKELL, D. O. G. HAYDEN HOUSTON, D. oO. SPECIAL COMMITTEES PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONAL WELFARE BERTLE L. GLEASON, D. O., CHM. WILLIAM S. CHILDS, D. oO. ARTHUR B. SLATER, D. O. VETERANS AFFAIRS IVAN F. HOOPER, D. O., CHM. A. E. CHARBONNEAU, D. oO. IRA F. KERWOOD, D. Oo CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS BERTLE L. GLEASON, D. O., CHM. FRED E. HASTINGS, D. oO. IRWIN E. NICKELL, D. oO. NOMINATING ; IRWIN E. NICKELL. D. O., CHM. a JAMES B. DONLEY, D. O. 2 DALE MC COY, D. oO. CONVENTION CITY 1939 LAWRENCE O. MARTIN, D. O., CHM. KIRKLAND A. BUSH, D. oO. : RAYMOND L. DE LONG, D. oO. : 2s HARPER CITY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT HARPER, KANSAS April 18, 1938 ERIC T. TEBOW, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog":;: Will you please send to us, so that we can have it on Wednesday, a mat whieh we can use for a newspaper cut in this weeks issue. I wish also you would send us some other information that we can use in our newspaper stories concerning your service at K. U. and coaching record, We are looking forward to your visit here on April 26. 1 ees, - Eric T, Tebow “nteant i ; i ia sn Ws 7 / ee na ful I fy roe 6 aa Hea if ; ji eae z i Weel e ERIC T. TEBOW, Superintendent of Schools HARPER CITY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT HARPER, KANSAS April 7, 1938 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I was in Lawrence lest Friday but learned that you were out of town. We shall plan on you for our athletic banquet for all sports, including students and towns people on April 86 at 6:50 Pi Me If it should be convenient for you to reach Harper in time to talk to our high school students at 3:00 P. M. we shall appreciate it. Most sincerely, Cie Eric Ts Tebow Marah 25, 1938¢ Thank you for your kind letter of Merch 256 a a Se Wt UIs Selene 9 SOK RAmSti es Anan ae, ane g it Bo without flying with be to assoyt your dbs of AeA Be t will. be there on tint date Sf agrocahte te yous Picase let mo hear from youe With every good wish, I an HARPER CITY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT HARPER, KANSAS March 23, 1938 ERIC T. TEBOW, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am glad to have your answer of March 17, with your schedule of arranged dates. We want you to come to Harper and have made the following selection of dates sub- ject to your approval: e_ ane Lv First choice, April 18 . Second choice, April 25 \7™«™ Third choice, April 26 } tua j Will you please let us know which of these dates you prefer and plan to come on that date. We interpret from your letter that the expense to us will be 6¢ per mile which is approximately 520 miles round trip plus a meal each way and possibly one night's hotel bill. We shall withhold announcement of our plans until we hear from you. Most cordially, Clee teat ie T. Tebow : fag tofu et udu tt re ap if i pel a co Hi! fy la Ht ail iit | i a ah balii Ht HARPER CITY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT HARPER, KANSAS Mareh 15, 1%8 ERIC T. TEBOW, ‘Superintendent of Schools Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We want to have an athletic banquet and would like to know what your charge would be to come to Harper on any of the following dates: apris 26, £0, May 5, 4, 8, 9, 11, 183 The earlier the date the better, We are interested in having you. Congratulations on your championship of the Big Six again this year. Most cordially, {