CRE LN STATO, CARL V.RICE,Vice President L T-LINSCOTT, Cashier ERIE KANSAS : S.RTRIBBLE, Asst Cesh/er > A CLEAN ye Ba Ge SIDNEY S.LINSCOTT, Presidenr November.6, 1957. DP. F. C. Alien, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Phogs Last evening we attended the K.U. banquet at *arsons and had a nice crowd, had we had that this evening we would have gone wild, knowing the score. I beleive a tie is almost a win, with Nebraska. Anyway we cured them of putting their second team in. While at the Bankers meeting at Coffeyville Tuesday I had a visit with Chas. Ice. He is and has been at the head of the Poase of Education there for years, He told me the two boys playing half back on the Missouri Team were Coffeyville boys. I rather took it that they felt offended because one of their boys went up Some years ago and they didn't use him, so others got discouraged. Lets cultivate Chas. Ice and fellows like that and See of we can't keep these Kansas boys in *ansas. I notice Caldwell didn't Last long in the game today Fraternally yours, ‘ Sidlasta S Cicadas te ey ee ee ey