Tt was Mr, Malkenstien who tallied to lirse Lupfer and George about the various entertaimment used at basketball games. I talked to I, Fralkenstien about his reply that sonething was paid, and his version does not agree with that quoted in your | lotiers ee ee ee ee Asseoiation amd it is his duty to write checks. He has written a check for any performance of this naturee So must have been « misunderstandinge All 2 tad fin telat for toergs eae’ 6 wedi him, anc if he had not liked it he should not have participateds We have given George a service that most other students in the University are not getting, and it is uy definite feeling that when he did put on his splendid performance he did not more than pay for the cow*tesies that have beon granted to him the whole oe g I can appreciate that people do ask peottettonst entertainers to give their weres free, but this was not such e proposition with George and the Physical Education Departnente IL thought there was reciprocity, and I thought George wea satis~— fed, as we wore, but I did not wut anyone to perform unless there was a happy acquiescence to reciprocate for favors already Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCASAT | _ Varsity Sasketball Coaches