Hovenber 24, 1937. pec oomace a chi ltecthe, Mtccourie | ties Me Tails i oe 2 | a aici dave elie GA iN wats dn Geuacas, sur ois Sa iah ok geek bento ee ae evening next “WES. tou sen seo by cur ge egg echt thet we emer mses vantncauanidions the future. shi tins sk ie tat ccs uk kv a versityelresiman game which will be played in Lawtense on Friday, Deceubor 3. 2, CeQuigley and his son will officiate ‘he games wo are using FaslkewLite goals, and putting on a lot of preperation for this gang. a di lee siblbnk or vicweat esithsae suciea mect for their monthly banquet. We have nearly 100 in our. _Rajors group, 60 you see I could not afford to miss that. Since our basketball squad does net retura uxtd2 Sd aa Calne the other days in the week must : necessarily be taken up in preparing our boys, s¢ I am afraid i eammot come. | 1 want to thank you f0r your ind offor, and I &ssure you that I appreciate it. With every good wish to you, I an FOA:AH Mrsetor of Physical Réusations