Decenber 25 1941. Mr. John Bunn, Dean of Men, Stenford University, Galifornia. Dear John: I am enclosing herewith Mr. C. G. Bayles cheok for $9.08 for two Rose Bowl tickets. Wr. Bayles is leaving Lawrence on the 26th of December. Will the tickets be mailed out before that time? If so, they should be sent directly to Mr. ©. %. Bayles, Superin- tendent, Buildings and Grounds, University of Kansas. I would appreciate it if you can let us know approxi- mately when the tickets will be mailed. Thanking you for your many courtesies, I am Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Miucation and Recreation, FCA:Au . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.