April 4, 1944. Mr. Wid. liem Lindquist, 1007 Central Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Bills; + cae aeaad allel An nae ek sees, Xen Gt Sy ee ee in landed a job with the Chrysler Motor Products Company. I am sorry that the Standard didn't really appreciate a _ Opportunity to hire a good man. Yes, sir, Bill, they awarded letters, and wines William Lindquist a K in basketball. The athletic board met last Priday and made the awards although it hasn't been in the paper. Kerl Klooz was waiting until he could get all af the board together and that accounts for the delay. So you are a fullefledged K man, even though it hasn't been in the paper. You see, I don’t have anything to de with that, Bill. It was in the Journal iiorld, — a a ee en ee City papers did not carry it. I ma not sure just what ‘eine will de with the 4F'ers. We are meeting this afternoon with our Selective Service Board at the Commmity Building and we my learn more, but some of the instruotions regarding the 4F are still rather vague. I do not believe the authorities are tegether on the disposition they are to make of the 4% boys as yote Gale uitenins ¥ win «0 i ellie 0X. Bill Arthur, Navy ponbardier, to Shirley Bayles, the daughter of the Superintendent of Buildings and Growds here. ‘The reception was at the Theta house end I saw APO MoSpadden with his sweetie, Miss Ainsworth. They both looked mighty swell, _ Tiger Dean is still making fire around the campus, just as you described hin. ST ee follow your orders. You count on my helping you at every possible opportunity. Give my regards to your good folks. Ami stay in there and piteh, Bill. Come see us when you have an opportunity. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, | : Director of Physical Bducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.