Boy, you hit me when I am weak’ ‘You've got me crying — and your letter just naturally broke my spinous morale. ‘You imow, I've always been afraid that I couldn"t win a championship or even a single ball game, and your lashing words of criticien was the straw thet “done break me dow". ‘You remember thet is what the colored gentleman said when Joe Louie whipped Mesde Baers he said, “Boy, Joe done break nid texte dom", py ean ieclamnarel aa sae Ge FWY um, Od Re. Sain welieateiak enatine, % es tbeltenh mama Imow that when Oklahom. has four genes at hone and only one gme and thet is against Iow, State, and wo have four games away and hone, then it is not difficult for me to say that the odds are O.U. Would you want me to go out in the wide world, out, and say “fe are just going to beat Oldahom to a ett the othor boys ae vel"? Maybe that is whet you would € ‘ yo at % 5 2 if Hf E ee rE E g bo ee ii | a Hi al lost up hore at Lawrence. How would you explain that? ES as Cob, T*1l be happy to see you at Stillwater. I believe you twice there lest yoar and we got licked both games there, wo get Mcked again wo will still be in thore wth our ehins You tmvo the backgroud of proselyting at Oidahaa Ae & Ie ; Stel Kansas, eid you might find a difference of arrenge~ alvays had a big break hore at Kansase We play in the ! the gymasiune ‘There isn: a boy on the $20.00 2 month or near that much for work at ll academic, Cob, and we are athletic as far vileh dai eae ee < wine will atay in, we hope.