Alma Brook, tres Aine Brooke a, lawrenes, Mansase Dear Mrs. Brooks | Thank very much for your kindmess in Lanting we Gee shee wang takin for the eubdbetbin at the basketball game last night. We are very grateful to you for this courtesy, and trust that the table was returned to you in good conditions — eS | T em “oad een /-/ fe ui k < QO . ! J a “canal P.O. BOX 64 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS 4 IN ACCOUNT ITH EDWARD E. BARTLETT GROWER—SHIPPER EXPRESS CHARGES ON ‘Rio Grande ‘Ualley Grapefruit and Oranges FROM BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS TO ALL POINTS IN THE STATES OF ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA OKLAHOMA - Standard Box, 2 Bushel Basket,. Half Bushel Container, OP ee $1.60 OS aes Sey $1.00 30: Ibs) ALABAMA, COLORADO, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, ILLINOIS, IOWA, KANSAS, MISSISSIPPI, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, TENNESSEE Standard Box, Bushel Basket, Half Bushel Container, Sy ibe, $2.00 PO Ry a $1.25 OTe, as % .70 INDIANA, KENTUCKY, MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA, NORTH CAROLINA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, SOUTH CAROLINA, SOUTH DAKOTA, WISCONSIN Standard Box, Bushel Basket, Half Bushel Container, OF Ie eS E240 “<4 99 (bs, c 9E50 30 is. % .90 DELAWARE, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARYLAND, NEW JERSEY, ~NEW YORK, UTAH, VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, WYOMING PENNSYLVANIA Standard Box, Bushel Basket, Half Bushel Container, SD lis, ce $2.80 59 ibe, 4 ea $1.73 30: dish ee Fe $1.00 CONNECTICUT, IDAHO, MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, MONTANA, NEVADA, NEW HAMPSHIRE, OREGON, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, VERMONT Standard Box, Bushel Basket, Half Bushel Container, Sts $3.20 BY iee; se $2.00 OO tos: $1.20 t hewe @ very high regatd for Miss Balorts ability. She highly. I am slad to reeamond her without reservations Paper Coe, Sklahane. ate Okie eax Cob: Se tea cae bak abt ot On Os :. have just talked to Tred Fllsworth, and am sorry to. hear about the apvendicitice ies Vas nt hk en ek ale for use You have done a fine jobs | | Tt looks Tile it is going to be a cold gem, bew cause Af they are scared stiff, and you are and I am | end the tea is, i+ loos as if sencbedy wili have to waru up & bite You can cowmt on our teas giving them @ battle. Sut i, like you, can not see how wo can seere enough points te beat theme. : We will be glad to meet you at the lueline et twelve otelock for lumeheon, and we will have a place for you at the breakfast table and wili be very —— to sec youte sc Sc Mick Gh bide as Sande es acta going to Oldehona Pightinge Sincerely yours, ~ Feb. 15, 1938 Dr. F. ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My Dear Dr. Allen: Everything is set for Friday. Will see you at the breakfast table. We have had the luncheon planned for weeks. It will be at the Huckins at twelve. We can get a special menu for the boys if you want it. It should be a great ball game and I'm glad we have them two nights after the Aggies mess them up. Frankly, I expect them to throw the Aggie Game to be in shape for you. I can't close my eyes and see how we can ever outscore them, but if your kids know how to raise their hands on a dribbler we can beat them ten points. They are scared stiff, but so am I. The transportation is all arranged. See you Friday. Sincerely Yours, Dee EC “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” February ll, 1958s Tare Leon Bauman, 615 Ohio Street, Lewrence, Kansase went to thank you very much for your assist~ _ anno in arranging tho wrostling match at the Tansas State geme on February 7the We have heard many vorable uments, eni I believe the spectatars enjoyed the shows Sincerely yours, , h A Varsity Basketball Coaches THE A“TNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT AFFILIATE OF ALTNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY THE STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY SAFETY EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT STANLEY F. WITHE, MANAGER January ky a. PERSONAL University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Attn: Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Dear Dr. Allen: The fact that you have not heard from me since writing to me under date of October 22 in regard to your new book, means only that I simply have not had the opportunity to combine a thorough reading of the book and the writing of a letter to you. I picked up your book in New York the early part of December. Since then, it has had very close attention, and I have just about completed the part which I will use most of all, and the rest of it has been given just a light going over. In consequence, I am quite well acquainted with it, and believe that I can give you a criticism since you asked for one in your last letter. I like it. I think it is great. It is a pity that a copy of it cannot be placed in the hands of every coach and every trainer in the country. In particular, I was very much gratified to see that you incorporated the new rule in the book, that is, the elimination of the center jump. For a time, I was afraid that your book would not have anything to say about the new feature of the game. I find everything comparatively simple. By that I mean, there is nothing of what one might term "advanced basketball". In my estimation, almost any coach of almost any high school can pick it up and get an awful lot from it. The chapter on Tales, or perhaps I should say the chapters on Tales were very interesting. I enjoyed immensely the one about Milton. That was one of the finest chapters I have ever read in any book. Through it all and between the lines, I can see the proud and the happy Dad. You ought to be. On the other hand, Milton is certainly deserving of commendation. He played his part well; in fact, so well that I'll bet you two had a happy reunion in the Allen household that night. ve? ee Bcd ete Ne eee tid Nod a Wipe ae ee eae sah a Boar ea sted (sk bs Sabie anaenia ep ler aulce Ate Vesa ees oe Ne ain esas ca whimes ¥ Fees 7 i re ‘ : i Ps ete Wi a Ghat eta rings ahs ar WEA aa ge SS SU a a eel a il cae eae Sa ber dak eae ee © ea ei An a tbl NE aT ees 2 Mie, onda uM din GS Moin. The only criticism I have to make is your use of too many technical terms and too many words, which necessitate the use of the dictionary. I pride myself on my knowledge of the English language. I very seldom find it necessary to have recourse to a dictionary. In going through your book, however, I find it is necessary to have a dictionary right at my elbow. Whether or not the same applies to other coaches I have no idea, but it did apply in my case. Other than that, I think it is splendid and that you are deserving of the gratitude of every coach and player in the country. Kind personal regards to your own good self, to Mrs. Allen and the children, Sincerely, Pa Cee x aC CU aay Ne ftee (ge canna fw iii February 11, 1938. Mire Ce Oe Burnside, Manager, Okleham City, OklahGea. Dear C.OeBes | - ‘I have written the Hotel Kingknde that we will stop with thea on Friday, February 12. I do not know which is the way to get out of Okiahomw City for Norman — whether we better go on the train or om the bus, or whether sume of the boys, like Kemy Jolmson and a group will want to drive us dome "Fred Ellsworth called me and wanted to have you arrange some lueheon date for the team, but please go easy on thet as far as I an concerned, wlosa you want #0 40 ite I really want to take ehinewe tnd the Hecate” Guyemitie tae sacred 42 potuba dee them than our opponents have on us, so that gives the Sooners a scoring break. Anyhow, wo will have a job on our hands, end I think it will be a beautiful ball game. We don"t have the seoring punch, but I beldeve wo heve a lot better defense. It still olght to add up about & points for the Sooners. We will see about that the 1éthe With every good wish to you and the Bumside family, I si sia (Gb hele ohiiaed FCA AH a — las eld destin: wae eohins oe as Ss. ‘Thank you very muche - Ne are asking Rowland's Bookstore to order a cloth bound copy of First Aid, also, besause the paper bound re tkllymael athe 3 We find a sa GA Geek aemen, ob cp eee 40 ey Se Nils on tu vemne ener 4h duane =. Sincerely yours, P. V. BLAKISTON, President « HORACE G. WHITE, Executive Vice President CHARLES C. NORRIS, JR., Vice President + E. B. BARNES, Treasurer * E. J. GLASER, Secretary P. BLARISTONS SON & CO. INC. Publishers of Books in Medicine & Science 1012 WALNUT STREET - PHILADELPHIA February 3, 1938. Dr. F. 0. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: At the suggestion of the Rowlands Bookstore, we are sending you today a desk copy of the American Red Cross First Aid Texte book. I regret that we are unable to fully comply with the Bookstore's request. They asked that a cloth bound copy be sent. The American Red Cross has specified that teachers be provided with copies only of the paper bind= ing. If this particular binding does not hold up, do not hesitate to request an additional COpye Very since ely yours P, Blakisto ’ o & Co. , Inc. RFB. FGP / Ro e Bowman, : h Pt i a if E 9 sr eo - fi L, monk Le oka aillid AAPL pAb Brnee ag j & e & eo, j fA wep £ ae i se Ae eee Z EM ell wii cet § wa sce phett s cok™ d i cA 0 iti cotl me 7 ae a yf EE seca ¢ ~ - : { 3 \ I ene? e ao ef — * Margaret Bond was on the Athletic Association payroll from September 24, 1938 to January 7, 19296 Mrse Webster came inmediately after Mrs. Bonde — Mre Dwight Burkhead, » Kansace Dear ite Durkheads sites (ikuk: cidiaeienon wnaialh ot. sumer Gen tattea 0 July 220 it hes been quite some time since I received your letter, but I am supposed to be on wioation and have been in end out of the office saxmint irregularly. writing about Albert Gagnon, tt I appreciate your I could not guarantee any boy a job at so much per nonthe t hes newer been my practice to promise a fellow work a You Imow the situation at K. U. - X thamke you for your interest in this boy, and im KeVep nd trust that he will find it possible to zo to schon] this Gove, Kansas euly 22, 19765 Dr, 2. Cs AlLtee Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen, I am writing you in reference to Albert (Bert) Gagnon's attending the University. I do not know whether you have ever seen this’ boy play basket ball. I do not claim to be one of the "smart" bays, but in my opinion this boy will make any ball club better. He played four years with Sacred Heart, getting honorable mention and all state recognition. , I talked to his father lact night and of course, it is the usual story of a job. At present his intentions are enrolling in Wesleyan at Salina, his home town. I do not know whether you would have any interest in this boy or not, but if you do you undoubtedly have some better contacts in Salina that can give you more information. If you are not interested, would appreciate your advising me to that effect. I do not know this boy personally, but have seen him play a lot of ball and am interested in seeing K.U. get good boys. Cordially yours, Dwight Burkhead K,U. - °!35 P.S. Give my regards to Ed Elbel. Me SECURITY NATIONAL BANK Kansas City, Kansas Maurice L. Breidenthal President o August 2, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have your various letters of July 30th. So far I have heard nothing from the Wellhausens. I am glad to have the information on the Women's building. I have asked that everything contemplated or desired in the way of new buildings be throm into the hopper in order that, if possible, a definite program might be worked out. MLB: LM Mire Jim Bell, ‘Sumer Session Kensaty University of Hencese Dear Jina: Fleneo, Go not Cnt tint I on tayeresttteat, tub Z eee ee EAU EPOSCTIUOG Dies. Lill erer a _ the Air Lest Year. Jus your intormst om : Old Of sport ofessor hal int es renee Ole yons In which io vee! emerpts fron the AUJotie Sera book. That was a yoar agos Maoh week on Smrsday night I spoke on “Physical Educetion for Health". Jt was a 15 minute program and we used many cpoalmrs collaborating with moe Twas weathinine wines yen gk Sie intentions Please do not think I am criticizing. 1 aa just informing you of the facts. at hihi : tely I om camitted to the wonmn's building as a 5 for recreation and play before any appeals are made to the legis- leture for the men in physical educations Waki, £721 wekte you neve cheut thin eter, int I Sab } to say to you that I think that one Maurice Le Breidenthal have brought this upe 4m I right, or am I right? : Sis Se neni ened eked ea win x sliahl ur ehuiean Oa woken I told him of course I thought thet 46 shawl ba wiceah,, eid Serthen- Aint 43. miechd wales nene datiathe contribution townrd paying that debt off as his mother borrowed all of this money for Al. T en sure Al is honest and appreciative Sy ee te: She | Deen Stouffer tol4 me youterday when we were playing golf tat ho was to moot with a comittes from tho Board of Regeste : this so doubtless you are one of that camittes —- mybes I think 2 1 alk Yn Ceoemiliarhs attion mad ees £6 au ne tom of the number, and if you are I will at least get a chance to say hello to yous The Chancellor is out of tom. Dean Stouffer is inet Meutennt in the aduinistratione tite Aion,’ Jens end Eleanor are in New Yori) where Jane - Gs in quest of a job in designe I dont imew how suscessful they will be, but they seem to be having a cood time visiting shows and seeing the sights thet Kansas coumtry people like to sees But as - a ee re ee aha T mn cont ty sono tine coon to at Least ony hello end ty to buy you thet spaghetti Imchoone | woth Lindos regards to you ai your good Setlyy Tam & | 2 Tae dam" ang Gab ta teeventines ee Thenk you tae weet Dilla ey Or he dane Nest". Really, “din T Gidn't expect you to do tate I just wanted you to know the why and wherefore of ‘thingse oe I presumed that you had gotten the miterial from the ‘KFKU office, and thet sane one in thet office had given you the wrong steer. pcham, 4% sie wes of yeu bs tel = eT eqpeneiade your wither Sedennes Sn Going: te Welap With thanks and appreciation, I am Sineerely yours, oe eer ae Cae Or eon an dca Weniens tom obla anh Oe te camdtbes males recaunendettions to the Athletie Beard, & new wmen's building ; cummesivm tuistiee is Sx autanting et se toe tare of pete 4 dasa Shah Ges Seem at hte ae dt nn Ps Dut it dove dowsindd into al of our stutanatie rade erty aad Lakes MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL, Presivent MILTON W.FELD, Vice Presioent CLAUDE L.WILSON, Casuier LAWRENCE S.BLUM, Asst. Casuier “EDERAL Toe MOISENIES OWA AME OAT. SE VE ING a KANSAS CITY, KANSAS July 1, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your fine letter of June 30th. It remains to be seen whether I was a chump in accepting this appointment or not. Anyway, I will be glad of the opportunity to have a visit wigh you whenever the opportunity affords. | MLB: LM