Reirtetonectecnen nearer SS UR RTT rm TRS AE A NS TT - ogee PRL eet OE aT etd nome Pima epeetatan at ia tn pam i au ; ; 0 i . agreed that nothing contairied,in said paragraphs shall be construed to abridge the right of the carrier “liable as at common law for any loss thereof or damage thereto het 1 atits option to seli the prbpetty under such circumstances and in sughimannert as may be/authorized _(b) No carrier or party in possessionvof allot any o property: hese deserik by law. Oe ae i ' mir abie for any loss thereof or daimage thereto or delay caused by th of God, the publicenemy,~--~~(e} Phe proceeds of any bale made unter BP sdtion shall be applied by the carrier to the pay- the authority of law, or the act or default of the shipper or owner, or cape. “nent of freight; demurrage, storage, and any other lawful charges and the expense of notice, advers carrier’s liability shall be that of w du ‘or Joss, damage, or delay caused by fireoccurr- _—ttisement, sale. and opher necessary expense and ofearing i and-maintaining the property. if proper ~ing after the expiration time allowed-by-tarifis lawfully on file (such free time to be com- care of the same requiresispeaalexperse, and should the: be a Balance it shall be paid to the QYPE cen,” } puted as therein provided) after notice of the arrival of the property at destination cr atthe portof—— of the property sold-hereunder.— paral tet pattem at tee ee | SERS ORS export (if intended for export) hasbeen duly sent or given, and after placement of the proverty for ({) Prop ry Beainstyp optaken fromia Soop ehertioor fanding at which there is no regularly ° delivery at destination, or tender of delivery of the property to the party entitled to receive it, has appointed freight agent shall beehtirely at risk offowne: after unloaded from cars or vessels or until been made. Exceptin case of irae oemaree necastics or party in possession (and the burden to prove loaded into carsor vessels, and, except in case of carrier’s negligence, when received from or delivered nat freedom from such negligence shai! be on the carrier or party in possession), the carrier or party in -tosuchstations; wharves, or landings shall be atowner’s risk until the cars are attached toand after ion shall not be liable for ioss, damage, or delay occurring while the property isstoppedand =“ Saeseee: rom locomotive or train or until cadets sede mnpaded from vessels... held in transit upon the request of the shipper, ownér, or party, entitled to make such request,or «See. BY Neo carriex hereunder willcarry or be liableta'a E way for any'documents, spetie,orfor . _ : esulting from a defector vice in the property, or for country damage rocoto sx pee value not specifically rated in the published classinesuons ae tariffs <9... j xX se e f er - RSRSLEAL GCS &. Sec! 1, (a) The cartier or ibarty tn paasditton ‘of any abe! aK a Vea ny P any articles ° {c) In case of quarantine the property may be discharged at risk and : ers into unless a special agreement todo so and a stipulated value of the articies-are indorsed , uarantine depot or elsewhere, as required by quarantine regulations or authorities, or for the carrier’s Sec. 6. Every party, whether principal or agent, shipping explosives or dangerous por with — tch-at nearest available point in carrier’s judgment, and in any such case carrier’s responsibility out previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for and indemnify the carrier against all loss or damage caused by such goods, and such goods may be warehoused at : ~—~owner’stisk and expense or destroyed without compensation: siempnaiaineitinanenc: Sm “Of in’ respect to property shall be borne by the owners of the property or be a lien thereon. The Sec. 7. The owner or consignce shall pay the freight and average, if any, and all other lawful - earrier shall not be liable for loss, or damage occasioned by fumigation or disinfection of ether acts charges accruing on said property; but, eeaeys in those instances where it may lawfully be authorized required or done by quarantine regulatio uthorities even chough the same may hay n done to do so, no card by, a shall de iver or relinquis boeegat t destination ofthe property. 28. 7 by carrier's officers, a; or employee: 1 detention, loss, or damage of any rind casioned covered by this i f tad g until all tariff rates and charges thereon have been paid. ‘The conagaer | pe ti iforcement thereof. No carrier shail be fiable except in case of negligence, for shall be liable for the freight and all other lawful charges, except that if the consignor stipulates, by~ ~~~ stake ¢ ni rished by ' arrier, its agents, or diicers, asto __ signature, ia the space provided for that purpose on the face of this bill of lading that the carrier shall tine laws or regulations. The shipper shall hold the carries harmless from any expense the; not make delivery without requiring payment of such chargesand the carrier, contrary to su¢h stip=! cur, or darnages they may be required to pay, by reason of the introduction of the propert. after- y may be returned by carrier at owner’s expense shall cease when property is so discharged, or property r tine expenses of whatever nature or kind upon to shipping point, earning freight both ways. Quaran ma, z l= ulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payment, the consignor-{except as herein ec by thiscontra: tintoany place against the quarantinelaws orregulations in cficctatsuclyplace, ove shale bel ales elie charece Provided, that, rhe t beeprinnies besa instructed - carri i ind ; id orc perty ty ¥ parti at sect 4. «= by the Shipper Or consignor to deliver said property to a consignee other t a co) os ey 5 bri P ariculaee pr yer of s uch consigneesha!! not be legally liable for transportation cheredbld respect of the rtation ve the right in case of physical necessity to forward sai r any carri te betwee! ° oer 2 Fela ; he point of shipm ait the point of Heaton. In allicas bit y, ibited b pote a Pe liable) which may be found to be due after the property has bee peiiver dtohim, ii the consignee (a) alue than actual yalue has been represented in writi Eyes tiiaper or has a trontife 3 in iSanagentOn'y.and has no beneficial title in said property, and (b Ron”. livery chapigptoerty writing asthe released value of the property as determined by cf if Z f benefici i | “aise the ship aerece I ] t : ansportati fof any-particulan marker. or otherwise than with reasonable dispatch. Every carrier shall Er" 54 croperty (beyond those billed against him at the time of delivery for which he is otherwise — he classification or tariff, upon which has notified the delivering carriér in writing of the fact of such ageney and absence 0 al title, i e rate is based, such lower value plus freight charges if pa’ 8 Rie otean amount to be et ; : and, inthe case of a shipment reconsigned or diverted toa pointother then thatspecifiedin theo covered, whether or not such loss or damage occurs from négligence. s ; bill of lading, has also notified the delivering carrier in writing ofitthename,and,address of the bene- b) As a condition precedent to recovery, claims must be filed in writ with the receiving or ficial owner of said property; and, in such cases eS or consignor, or, in the copsgfaatinment carrier, or carrier issuing this bill of lading, or carrier on whose line the loss, _ 40 reconsigned or diverted, the beneficial owner, shall be liable for such'additional charges. | If the delay occurred, within nine months after delivery of ue prope: consignee . ; consignee has given to the carrier erroneous information as to who the beneficial owner ts, such con=—— By (or, in case of export Since shall himbelf be liable for stich additional charges. Nothing herein hal jipic the right of the tne jury or affic, within nine months after delivery at port of expert) or, im ¢aseof failure to make delivery, c q ee Aras : pitt 3 : ithin nine months after a reasonable time for delivery hi elapsed; and suits shall he instituted Carrier to require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee of ages. Tf upon He freight rier to the claimant that the carrier has disallowed the claim or any part or parts thereof harges rust be paid upon the articles actually shipped. in the notice. Where claims are not filed or suits are not instituted thereon i sregoing provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be tiable, and suc claiaewalt carrier or party. liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said propert; nefit of any insurance that may have been eflected upon or on account of said property, See. 8. If this bill of lading is issued on the order of the Shipmarhon is agent in exchange or in ubstitution foranother bill oflading, the shipper’s signature to the prior pillofiading wae state- ‘ment of value or otherwise, or election of common law or bill of lading | ibility, in or in Confection ~ with such prior bill of lading, shall be considered’a part of this bill of lading as fully-as if the same were written or WO. SaNGERS : : iss 0 i : policies ‘sof i : ; Bae 8 smade in or in connection with this bili of lading?” *° , Ee ; Poe be Ree aloe chon “4 me Tas thepartier — i ¢ 9. (a) Hi all or any- part of said property is carricd by water Over any partc gid route, peels A Tonccumnhanench eas : sees ear adh cane - ; : __ $uch water carriage shall be performed subject to all the terms and ‘provisions of, and all the ex- ree eee sucir service is required-as the result of carrier's negligence, alt property ~ emptions Robey contained in, the Act of the Congress of the United States, approved on Feb=~ shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at shat have th Eachycarrier over whose route fuary J , 1893, and entitled “Ag act relating to the navigation of véssels, ete);? and of other statutes ' of the Ss - 1. catton or cotton linters is to be transported hereunder hale the privilege, atits own cost and ited Stat dine earriers by water the protection of limited liability, and.torthe con- Shi henberting icsapeloraatercewvesencis baled iOrwerane AMMMMincctcas Mechel Sats sxeing ris vac UE Pals a ore aes, re earpi for dev acca unavoidable Subln m Reense ing such ip on SoTain in’ DUS con ee ~ (by No such carrier by water shalt be liable for any loss or damage resulting fronr any fire hap= cence igned to a point wherethereis a railroad, public or li ay (unlessotherwise expressly ——_ pening to or on board the vessel, or from explosion, bursting of boilers ‘Or bréakage of shafts, unless - and place yp other erain caused by the design or neglect ofsuch carrier. SLES annie “Aneae, SHOT ce thereof s ih At nm censed elevator noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be the: a d a 1 & ii of the same kind and grade without respect to ownership (and prompt notice thereof shall be given “ (©) If the owner shall have exercised due iligente’in making" the vessel in all’ respects to the consignor}; and 17°80 ¢ dshali be subject toa lien for elevator charges in idition toall- seaworthy and properly manned, equipped, and supplied, no such carrier shall be liable ny loss ees: or damage resulting from the perils of the lakes, seas, or other waters, or from latent defects in hull, rty entitled to receive it within tb fife os allowed rachi ‘time of, or after sa ter other charges hereunder. © ¢ Sec. 4. (a) Property not removed by the nery, or appurtenances whether existing prior to, at the” y tariffs, fatally on file (such free time to be canoated as therein provided), after notice of the _llision ndi avigatiol r rival of the property at destination or at the port of export (if intended for export) has been duly for any reason it is necessary, any vessel carrying any or all of the property ‘herein described sent or given, and after placement of the property for delivery at destination has been made, may be atliberty tocaliat any portor porte, inorout of thecustomary route, to tow and bé towes, to't ept in vessel, car, depot, warehouse or place of delivery of the r, subjectito the tariff charge Paneth, or lighter, to load or psopert a goods at any, time, to assist ear i pistrgaagp t . we oi ne 8 t 1 t n 2s Z t alter sailing;! ision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation, or from prolongation of the Voyage. or storage and to carrier’s responsibility as warehousema at the option of the carrier, or the purpose of saving life or property, and for docking and repairs. pt lircase etnoved to and stored in a public or licensed warehouse at th f delivery or other such carrier shall not be responuible for any loss Gr damage to property if it be necessary or is usual je place, at the cost of the owner, age be held ¥ hia the carrier, o carry the same upon deck. : Ming foneis To vsiansiit ct to a lien for allfreight and other lawful charges, includi ; b forstorage, | @) General Average shall be payable according to the York hated Rac! 4924;)/Sections fhere nonperishable broperty which 228 been transpo rt sstination hereunder is. to 15, inclusive, and Sections 17 to 22, inclusive, and as to matters not ed thereby ac y consignee or the party entitled to receive it, or said consi titledtoreceive to the laws and usages of the Port of New York. “}f the owners shal! have exercised due diligence to ceive it within 15 days after noti eat val shall have been duly sent or given, the carrier nake the vessel in all respects seaworthy and properly manned, éqtiipped and supplied, it is hereby @ same at publi¢ auction to the fhe st bidder, at such i be ated by the greed that in case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from fa ed ap nagiasto n, or in: inthe vessel, her machi ¢ management of the vessel, or from any latent or other defect “A nery. or purtenances, or from unseaworthiness, whether existing A Raat at the beginning of the voyage (provided the latent or other defects or the unseaworthiness was not a y the exercise of due diligence), the shippers, cone den wners pi phe Gareceshel never i aspect Of the cargo, and shall contribute rty has been refuged or remains unclaimed, as the case may be, and that it will be subject to the terms of the bill of lading if disposition be not arranged for, and shall have published taining a description of the property, the name of the party to whom consigned, or, if ler notify, the name of the party to be notified, and the time and place of the ben fed ores uelined so te caer ven to asignor notice that r ne 1¢ name of ) be notified, and the tim ‘ ofisale, once a eless pay salvage and any speécial charges incurred in res shall. bu yO successive weeks, in a newspaper Of general circulation at the place of sale or nearest: vith the shipowher in general average to the payment Of any sacrifices, losses or expenses of 2 general » such newspapet is published: Provided, That 30 days shall have elapsed before publica- average nature that may be made or incurred for the common benefit or to relieve the adventure tice of sale after said notice that the property was refused or remains unclaimed was mailed, from 7 common peril. t, or given. ae ek is Bec. cise. : ‘\_ () If the property is being'carried under a tariff which provides that any carrier or carriers ‘c) Where perishable property which has been transported he ler to efused party thereto Shall be liable for loss from perils of the sea, then as to such carrier or carrie fig pro- consignee or party entitled to receive said consignee or party entitled to receive it shall fail visions of this section shall be Modified tn accordance with the tariff provisions, which shail’be re- ' ‘ ‘ jor- garded as incorporated into the conditions of this bill Se ae wee “ " (f) The term “water cartiage” inthis section shall ‘not be construed as’ including lighterage ¢-— mor across rivers, harbors, or lakee, when performed by or oti behalfof railcarriers. {f See. 10. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shat! be made without ‘othe special notation hereon of theiagent of the carrierissuing this billof lading, shall be without effect, “ and this bill of lading shall be enforceabie according toitsoriginaltenor 9 es z rt rm 8 2