CLASS OF SERVICE This is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- -| gram unless its de- erred character is in- dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- ceding the address. WESTERN ~* UNION R. B. WHITE PRESIDENT NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD J. Cc. WILLEVER FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT = SYMBOLS DL =Day Letter NL=Nighte Letter LC=Deferred Cable NLT =Cable Night Letter > Ship Radiogram ( The filing mee shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at me of origin. ‘Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAD49 19 SER=STLOUTS MO 22 1217P DR FORREST CG ALLEN= UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS KR= me » 1. have tried 0 work one hundred per cent with you and Wah sia Ssh Veritas Wie teens Chik GAA Webes af euteunths I an still of the enphatic opinion that the round roller base is not fool-proof. I agree with you that you are spending the money, and it was for that reason, ltr. Medart, that I was trying to save you any umnecessary expenditures Sieiiilae Milk Gabeh Cesta iciiiins eae ahead oe ‘ibiatiandd: wdekaaae. I wonder if Roy showed you the letters that he wrote me regarding the convex backboard and the difficulty he had with Mre Porter, and then he followed that up with an inquiry re- garding the electric time clock and score board, and I believe there have been one or two other details. I was of the opinion that for an incidental fee of say 5200 or $300 it would compensate me for the time and the technical Imowledge that I have of those i pects to pay for ites I felt that I had enough Imowledge of the working of the national organizations, such as the Coaches Assoc=- iation, the Rules body, and other allied bodies, that I could have meade a hookeup with these people in such a way that I could have served your corporation very successfully. lowever, I see that I was wrung and we will just forget it. I am paid fairly good compensation here at the Univer ae and naturally when those inquiries came to me I gave them my immediate and best possible attention. It was for such things as this that I had an idea my lmowledge would be worth something to youe 7s at be Semereeted fm Sey Pubs Cine progeny tien people interested in Goal 1949 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; Enclosed find copy of article we have prepared for Major Griffith "Athletic Journal". Please give this the one over and return it to me at. your early convenience. Kindest regards. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. REW/AC STEEL LOCKERS___ STEEL WARDROBES___ STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS This is justen idea, but what would you think of putting some sort of a "clapper" or something to ring a bell eich time a goal is mde, underneath the cone in the Goaleifi goal. . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAll “Varsity Basketball Coache ir. Roy Meinzettel, ' Sales Promotion Manager, Medart Monufncturing Cos, Ste Louis, | hissourie — Dear Eoys ied tia, oat Ree secrotary, wants a . picture to run on Goslelii in his Craduate Magazine, the magazine for the alumi of the Universitye ‘om Bowlus | said he sent all the negatives to you, and if you could send me ® print of either the men or older boys playing Goaleiii I would be glad to let Fred use it. I do not eare to have you send any of the girls, wut one of the ee ee ee ae See Oe Oe ee Fred Elleworth's son was in some of the juvenile pictures that we shot. Theat, of course, adds interest to the quest. He wants to give us sone publicity in his Graduate Yegozine, and I would appreciate it if you wnt Sent Che print to me ae soon es possible. Very sincerely yours, 3 sisiinek: Wk tietinh hscab.cis sesh Mumia FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs October 4, 1939¢_ Dear Roys I am returning this manuscript for Mejor Griffith with some corrections thet I thought would improve the and change anything thet you think would be an inprovement over thise Very sincerely ycurs, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Dasketball Coachs October 2, 1959 Mr, Minter E, Brown, Supt. Anthony Public Schools — Anthony, Kansas Thank you for your letter of September 2t, to Dr. Allen ad- vising of your int t in his game "Goel-H1", We are not quite ready|to make shipment of equipment at this nésmuch as we are now engaged in tooling up for quan- duc : ngle piece of apparatus required to play the game uld welcome your order at this time for ship four to six weeks. You may be interested has been scheduled ir to be destined to : indoor and outdoor gam For example, the Athletic for an early issue of that paper requested complete informatior ft. of film of the new game, for release at an early date. new. game, which appears ne\popular all-season, and men and women. ge article scheduled publications have has taken 1200 s scheduled By placing your order with us at this time, yoy would enjoy the distinction of being the first High Se ar in your com- munity - and possibly the first in the Unive¢ States - to play Goal-Hi. | For one of the movable type of official Goal-Hi standards, our No. 907, that is equipped with a circular base and consequently can be rolled from one location to another (used indoor as well as outdoor) and also equipped with the special height adjust- ment feature that enables the basket to be easily raised or lowered, to 8', 9', or 10' heights, without the use of any tools, we quote you a special net-to-schools price of $29,50 delivered to your nearest freight station. For Model No. 917, which is identical to the above except that the circular base is eliminated and the pipe upright supporting the bas’et is fitted with a special base flange for anchoring in conorete (this model is for permanent installation in one outeofedoors location), we quote a net price of $22.50 delivered to your nearest freight station, argh oe siti te ions mn aman oa ena A fee Gea hn és pe sre uae Se ag ‘ Se Tee RR Saami gaa eS a ce i Minter E, Brown « #2 Anthony, Kansas All official Geal-Hi standards are equipped with @ special three-way cone projector in the bottom of the basket as de« veloped by De, Allen, and this is intended to direct the ball out of and away from the basket, after.a goal has been made, through one of the three exits, Likewise, each standard is equipped with the three swinging ,ates that prevent a low. shot ball from entering the basket, In other words, our quotations are for equipment that has been approved by Dr. Allen as entirely satisfactory and 100% official, We are privileged to manufacture and distribute Goal-Hi equipment exclusively by reason of a license agreement, Por cash with order allow a discount of 2¢ and uneondition- ally guarantee ‘complete \satisfaction or your money refunded, be played with any 29<1/2" regulation basketball. ppepared to quote prices.on oalle as well as standards ot heave basketballs er comple for pl groups may play it, 112. played by various age groups of t | rt | ints ig now being printed and should & few weeks, A price of $1,00 ; rules book and a copy of it w equipment order, For a limited time, possibly sixty corte afte the game, we shall make a spectal natton- Lag A offer of a Goal-Hi heavy-duty (ruber) playgp6 29-1/2" diameter free with each shipment. Yt have a special net school price of £3400 delivered and we, of course, offer it to you free at thia time for shipment with your order, if you care to plece it with us now, For additional information or when ordering, please direct your communication to the attention of the writer. , Cordially yours PRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. REW/¥R | Sales Promotion Manager Oatober y 1939 Mr, Ls By Greggs Prins Intermediate Grade Sehool Augusta, “ansas Dear Mr. Greggs Thank you for yom Dewees of September 22, to Dr. Allen ade ~ vising of mye st in his game “Goaleli". We are not gait eady to make shipment of equipment at this writing ingaermach as “9 now engaged in tooling up for quan- tity production of this single piece of apparatus required to lay the game. ould welcome your order at this ‘ime for\ shipment within the next four to six weeks. You may be intereste onsiderable publicity — been schediiled 1% game, which appears to be destined to sw , all-season, indoor and outdoor game — 96 mi givis, and men and women. For example, the Athletic Journel ha rge article scheduled for an early issue. of ft, and other publications have requested complete information. ‘arawount News he feet of film of the new game, and thie news reg] ie scheduled for release at an early cate : Oe ay pleeing your order with us at thie time, ygu would enjoy the distinction of being the first Grade seheek in your Come wr - and possibly the first in the United States - to play For one of the movable type of official Goalelii standards, our Nos 907, that is equipped with a cireular base and someeeeennsy ean be rolled from one location to another (used indoor as wel as outdoor) and also equipped with the special height adjust- ment feature that enables the basket to be easily raised or lowered, to &', 9', or 10' helghta, without the use of any tools, we quote you @ special not-to-sehools price of 929,50 delivered to your nearest freight station, For Model Noe 917, which is identical to the above except that the clrevlar base is eliminated and the pipe upright supporting the basket is fitted with a special base flange for anchoring in conorete (this model is for permanent installation in one : out~ofedoorea location), we quote a net price of $22,50 delivered to your nearest freight station, | ‘i ageing, Menee All official Goal-ii standarda are equipped with a special threeeway cone projector in the bottom of the basket as de« veloped Die a , and this ie intended to direct the ball out of an away basket, after a goal has been made, through one a — three oxite, Likewise, seach standard ts equipped with the three Es gates that prevent a lowe shot ball from en skeot, In other words, out. quotations are for equ pment that hes been approved by Dr, Allen as entirely satisfactory and 100% official. We are privileged to manufacture and distribute CGoal-H1 equipment ee by reason of a license agreement. ‘der.we allow a @iseount of 2 and enounibtion Dlete satisfaction or your money refunded, Goal-H1 many be | th any 2981/2" regulation basketball. prepared ) prices on balls as well as standards Walle avatlable. bask wath Gh Uae wukae’fep phastaie the officiel enue, and experienced suggestions for mo@ificapion of the game so that 4a now being solakel ana ae ale few weeks, A price of 61,00 ; rules book and a ow - it. equipment order. Por a limited Bn possibly sixty 8, aftor /w the game, we shall 1 make Sok entbaatae stroduetory offer of a Goa vide toaeaws playgfound ball of 2901/2" diameter Sioa with each shipment. vis ball will have # special net school price of OO delivered, and we, of Guten, after it te you free at this tine for ehipaent with your’ order, if you care to place it with us now, For add'tional information or when ordering, please direct your commnication to the attention of the writer, Cordially yours PRED MEDART MANHUPACTURING Co, REW/MR | Sales Promotion Manager