FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. Dr.Forrest ©. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Frankly, it is surprising to me that we can be that close to the competitor's price, considering the sales pranotion, advertising, and added features, such as the three-way cone fitting and the three gates which are a part of our equipment and which are not included in competitors equipment. So much for cost. We will give some thought to the idea of the rubber suction cups on the base of the Goal-Hi standard and advise you later. Concerning the article for Major Griffith, you may be sure that I will send it to you for editing and for any suggestions you may care to give us before for- Warding it to Chicago. I have turned over your letter concerning the price for the rules book, to Bill, and he told me that he wanted the copy and layout back as quickly as possible and wired you accordingly. We will advise you within a few days just what we decide to do regarding the printimg of same by your local printer. So much for immediate business. That bring us to your third letter of the elst with reference to the possibility of an association between us, with you acting in the capacity of technical advisor. I am of the opinion this whole subject is one that cannot be very well covered in correspondence and should be held in abeyance until we get together again, which we will do before very long, and that meanwhile both of us should be giv- ing some thought to your suggestion. As far as we are concerned, we will cer- tainly do that because there is a lot of possibilities in the thought you ad- vance. likewise, there are some very complex sales problems involved and we would want to give them our best consideration before attempting to go into this matter with you. For example, some of the items you list in your letter are definitely dealer items, as we call them, while some of the others are en- gineering sales equipment that presents an entirely different problem of sell- Inge We welcome your suggestion and our response is to ask that you continue to give this matter some thought, Phog, and be prepared to go into the matter thoroughly with us when next we meet. As far as making a possible association between us, public, that is something that would also be subject to some discussion, altho I see no reason one way or the other why the matter is important because many concerns like ours employ technical advisors, and goodness knows, we could use a person in that capacity alone for a great many of our lines of equipment. For example, with all the War Department purchases popping all over the country, some one with a knowledge of War Department present day plans would be a mighty good fellow for us to listen to. I cite this one instance merely to illustrate the almost every day need for specialists in the business we are engaged in. Kindest regards. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. REW /AC