Minter E, Brown « #2 Anthony, Kansas All official Geal-Hi standards are equipped with @ special three-way cone projector in the bottom of the basket as de« veloped by De, Allen, and this is intended to direct the ball out of and away from the basket, after.a goal has been made, through one of the three exits, Likewise, each standard is equipped with the three swinging ,ates that prevent a low. shot ball from entering the basket, In other words, our quotations are for equipment that has been approved by Dr. Allen as entirely satisfactory and 100% official, We are privileged to manufacture and distribute Goal-Hi equipment exclusively by reason of a license agreement, Por cash with order allow a discount of 2¢ and uneondition- ally guarantee ‘complete \satisfaction or your money refunded, be played with any 29<1/2" regulation basketball. ppepared to quote prices.on oalle as well as standards ot heave basketballs er comple for pl groups may play it, 112. played by various age groups of t | rt | ints ig now being printed and should & few weeks, A price of $1,00 ; rules book and a copy of it w equipment order, For a limited time, possibly sixty corte afte the game, we shall make a spectal natton- Lag A offer of a Goal-Hi heavy-duty (ruber) playgp6 29-1/2" diameter free with each shipment. Yt have a special net school price of £3400 delivered and we, of course, offer it to you free at thia time for shipment with your order, if you care to plece it with us now, For additional information or when ordering, please direct your communication to the attention of the writer. , Cordially yours PRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. REW/¥R | Sales Promotion Manager