‘i ageing, Menee All official Goal-ii standarda are equipped with a special threeeway cone projector in the bottom of the basket as de« veloped Die a , and this ie intended to direct the ball out of an away basket, after a goal has been made, through one a — three oxite, Likewise, seach standard ts equipped with the three Es gates that prevent a lowe shot ball from en skeot, In other words, out. quotations are for equ pment that hes been approved by Dr, Allen as entirely satisfactory and 100% official. We are privileged to manufacture and distribute CGoal-H1 equipment ee by reason of a license agreement. ‘der.we allow a @iseount of 2 and enounibtion Dlete satisfaction or your money refunded, Goal-H1 many be | th any 2981/2" regulation basketball. prepared ) prices on balls as well as standards Walle avatlable. bask wath Gh Uae wukae’fep phastaie the officiel enue, and experienced suggestions for mo@ificapion of the game so that 4a now being solakel ana ae ale few weeks, A price of 61,00 ; rules book and a ow - it. equipment order. Por a limited Bn possibly sixty 8, aftor /w the game, we shall 1 make Sok entbaatae stroduetory offer of a Goa vide toaeaws playgfound ball of 2901/2" diameter Sioa with each shipment. vis ball will have # special net school price of OO delivered, and we, of Guten, after it te you free at this tine for ehipaent with your’ order, if you care to place it with us now, For add'tional information or when ordering, please direct your commnication to the attention of the writer, Cordially yours PRED MEDART MANHUPACTURING Co, REW/MR | Sales Promotion Manager