Dr. Py Cy Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: It strikes me that you are either a softy or a phoney. I never expected to see the day when you would admit that your ball club could not be in the money on the home stretch, as per your recent press announcement on O. U.'s championship chances. I took this all with a grain of salt until today when a letter came from Fred Ellsworth suceesting that you would be here fro a series between 0. U. and the Aggie game for the N.C.A. Championships. I-don't know what kind of a ball club you have this year, but it certainly must be sorry if ycu are going to fold up in front of 0. U. They have played one beautiful ball game this year. That was against the “egies at Stillwater. They didn't have to play basketball against Towa Stete as Boob )¥enz has about the’ most terrible ball club that ever piayed in the Big Six. Kansas State played rings around the team Saturday night. The seniors had the jitters and the sophomores plunged enough balls to winr the game. BHnough of that, Fred Hllsworth is very unhappy with me so 1 suggested we would have a Kansas turnout for the basket ball team when you came down for your joust March 8. We will try: and have a luncheon, and it will be a fairly large one, and’ we want you to be prepared to dish out a little of your Jay-Hawker Spirit. Chancellor Malott will be here Friday nicht, but I wen't have the good fortune to shake his hand as I have another engagement on that date, “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE"