FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. STEEL LOCKERS — STEEL SHELVING — STEEL WARDROBES GYMNASIUM APPARATUS — PLAYGROUND APPARATUS GYM SEATS — SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT CHICAGO OFFICE NEW YORK OFFICE 16 WEST 61sT STREET METAL SPECIALTIES 326 W. MADISON ST. GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORY POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS ST. Louts, Mo. August 3, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Back home again and I want to thank you for the many courtesies extended to me when in Lawrence early this week. I enjoyed the several days with you very much. I am enclosing an original and duplicate of the re- vised contract between you and the Company for the promotion and sale of "Goal-Hi". Please execute both copies and forward one of them to us. I am also enclosing destroyed original and duplicate of the first contract we submitted, which was unsatis— factory, as you know. Kindest personal regards. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. ion Manager R.E.Weinzettel/Ac P.S. Don't forget that blank space on my office wall that we discussed......- alr > aa Ap huhien fe eX Gpoecre Ca _ /