FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. #2 Dr. Forrest GC. Allen August 3, 1939 Lawrence, Kansas 5. You authorize the use of your name, professional degrees, past accomplish- ments, and photograph in all advertising and promotional material as may be distributed in the interest of the game ani the sale of the equipment. 6 You agree not to extend your efforts or to authorize the use of your name pod eae oo, Pencgplnadlr arpa vag Mag or to enter into an association with y individual or organization the manufacture ir Sale of like or res in the interest of the game or in the sale to be borne by the Company, will be made or Bt fised @haiaing appeoral of sash expendi teres 7+ You agree that no expenditu of the equipment, that are authorized by you without from the Company. 8. You agree to lend your best efforts at all times to the promotion of the game, and to the sale of individual sete of “GOAL~HI" equipment wherever pw sible. Je ara seats cane Sak pemeiie Shave —— = either the name, the rules, or in the design of the equipment will in no way alter this con- tract. 10. It is lly agreed that a oe by either party of any one of the foregoing conditions shall be construed a breach of contract, and at the samahien Of the ellie suvte thts contract may then be be considered null and void. This letter is*offered in duplicate for the signature of both parties, and when properly witnessed, a copy shall be distributed to both parties. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO.