Mre Ce Oe Burnside, Oklahoma City, Okla. Dear Cobs | | was swell of you to wrote the dandy letter that you did as of the 1éth instante You know, Cob, you and I ee oe See Oe Se Tek whe ee ieee Be AEE ene Ce He er ee | if 1 inferred that you spoke discouragingly of our tasketial ton, Twas kidding you agains . You are one of our very best friends that resides in Oklahomie All the boys look upon you as a real pal and the gaint that lives in Oklaham,. When I told them that you were going to be dow at tho game you ean imagine their joy and surprise in having that statement in the affirmative, and of course we will be expecting you to eat breakfast with us when we come to Oklahoma City on March Sthe Bvery one of our remining six ganes happen to be the very lest for each awe of the six teams. They close the ee enving any stem for anyone byt Kansas. Yes, all the boys talked about what a wonderful reception they received at Stillwater. They said it was the finest crowd and finest group of boys, ®ll in all, that they had met. So you see, after all, when a group of kids fee] that they played a Ot ek AS GO RS SEE © 408 OF Tine yeepte Vas 25 have a more worlmble hi losophy than T of spigzerinctume — My love to you and the family. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches 7