Dr, Pe CG. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Forget it. iI really enjoyed your build up and was chuckling over it when I wrote it. I guess you are getting to the place where you can't tell when one of your friends is kidding you. You bet your boots, I41l be in Stillwater, and we'll do the job. My friends down here have been kidding me a lot about our dropping ovt of the Big Six, t 1 am not fearful of the basket ball situation, t 1 guess ! won't dare write anything without without wringing it dry of all humor and fun for fear you will think I am taking a ‘crack at You. Incidentally, you forgot to answer the vart that I was most interested in, and that is whether you want to meet with the Alumni for luncheon when you come down here Narch 8, Can you give me an answer on that point? Sincerely yours, ze te Er€ j Pea Lire, es Boe an oe : Bua of a ‘PA [S:OUR Sikes at: SIDE LINE” “fe._Gypg