NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A. A. - NATIONAL FEDERATION H. S. A. A. - Y. M. C, A. - C:’ANADIAN I. A. U. and A. B. A. NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE of the UNITED STATES and CANADA CHAIRMEN OF SUB-COMMITTEES Executive H. H. Satwon, Jr. Research Forrest C. ALLEN Game Administration Publication Oswa.p TowER Questionnaire H. V. Porter Vice CHairman, JOHN BUNN Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. Treasurer, FLOYD A. ROWE Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohio Evitorn, OSWALD TOWER Andover, Massachusetts Cuairman, H. H. SALMON, Jr. 40 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Secretary, H. V. PORTER 11 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois Sumner A. DoLe Complete List of | Committee Members F. C. Allen -Univ. of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas John Brown, Jr. 347 Madison Ave. | New York, New York John Bunn Stanford Univ. Palo Alto, California Forrest Cox Colorado University Boulder, Colorado J. H. Crocker Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada M. C. Cunningham High’ School Desloge, Missouri Sumner A. Dole Connecticut State College Storrs, Connecticut J. Mark Good Sun-Gazette Co. Williamsport, Pennsylvania E. J. Hickox Springfield College Springfield, Massachusetts A. F. Jefferess 114 Carrick Ave. Hamilton, Ont., Canada Frank P. Maguire Dept. of Public Instruction Harrisburg, Pennsylvania H. G. Olsen Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Curtis Parker Centennary College Shreveport, Louisiana H. V. Porter 11 S. LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois Floyd A. Rowe Board of Education Cleveland, Ohio J. W. St. Clair Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas H. H. Salmon, Jr. 40 Wall St. . New York, New York Oswald Tower. | Andover, Massachusetts Page two - The Medart people and other manufacturers have indicated that it would not be an especially difficult matter to design a basket which will clamp on the lower edge of the board. The Medart people have indicated that they are enough interested in this whole project to make up boards of any shape or size which might be suggested by the Basxxetball Committee. I assume that you are planning to keep in contact with Medart and that you will give them something definite to work on. they state that they are now at a standstill wmtil such time as the committce may indicate the direction the experimentation should take. I note your comment to the effect that the Medarts should not be expected to finance all of this work. I agree with you that it would be more desir- able for the constituent bodies of the rules committee to take care of such financing provided funds can be made available for the work. My thought in the matter has beenthat for the boards which may be used in this locality, we will depend upon manual training shops for the construction or we will continue our practice of asking some of the high schools that are erecting new gymnasiums to pay the manufacturing cost for a pair of boards which may be used on the practice courts, these boards to be made up in accord- ance with the design agreed upon bythe committee. When such beards are installed as a definite part of the gymnasium equipment they should be such that the technique of shooting will not be appreciably different. This would be true with boards of a different size and shape but would not apply in case the surface of the board is changed. Consequently I would hesitate to ask any school to pay the costs of installing the convex boards. The main problem at the present time seems to be to attempt an agreement on the desigh toward which we should be working. If you think the data at hand are not sufficient to warrant our centering attention upon a board such as that which was outlined, I suggest that an attempt be made to out- line another form for the guidance of the various manual training depart- ments or equipment manufacturers who may be interested in this work over the slack summer month seasone Yours trul Secretary HVp/3