FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. STEEL LOCKERS — STEEL SHELVING — STEEL WARDROBES GYMNASIUM APPARATUS — PLAYGROUND APPARATUS GYM SEATS — SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT NEW YORK OFFICE CHICAGO OFFICE 16 WEST 61sT STREET METAL SPECIALTIES 326 W. MADISON ST. GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORY POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS ST. Louts, Mo. June 23, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen - University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Have at least worked up a contract which I think you will find in order, in which event please sign and have wit- nessed, both copies, returning them to us, and we, in turn, will forward one for your files. If there is anything about this contract that is not entirely satisfactory, please feel free to write me. We have had some mighty fine reactions so far on this game and we are all set to get going, and hope it will be poss- ible for you to soon begin working up the rules book and also the publicity, which we are particularly anxious to see as we have some thoughts that we want to incorporate in same. I refer to the publicity that you stated you would be able to have placed advantageously through your contact with Associated Press Editor and others, and what we succeed in placing through other channels. I understand we will have the first sample of the new game equipment back from the galvanizer Monday and will immed- iately ship it to you for tests. Kindest regards. Yours very truly, R.E.Weinzettel/Ac ENc «