FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. STEEL LOCKERS — STEEL SHELVING — STEEL WARDROBES GYMNASIUM APPARATUS — PLAYGROUND APPARATUS GYM SEATS — SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT NEW YORK OFFICE CHICAGO OFFICE 16 WEST 61st STREET METAL SPECIALTIES 326 W. MADISON ST. GENERAL OFFICE AND FACTORY POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS ST. LouIs, Mo. July 2h, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Lr. Allen: We have noted with more than ordinary interest your letter of July 21, espec-— ially that part with reference to the interest in the new game on the part of Paramount News. — : I want to answer several questions in this letter, and also call attention to several facts so we can advance our program in support of the new game in keep- ing with the developments as they are occuring. In the first place, we note what you say regarding’ the publicity in the maga- zine "Life". We have given quite a lot of thought to this question of publi- city in "life" and also in the Paramount News, and have weighed the question very carefully. Obviously, we are faced with this problems Should we delay these two National organizations until we have coverage in the way of copy- rights, trade-marks, etc., or should we go ahead and get this publicity immed- jately and take a chance on not being protected in the above matter. AS we see it, we are running the risk of having both "Life" and Paramount News ‘cool off' if we attempt to delay them now, and possibly when we want. this sort of publi- city later we would be unable to get it. We have concluded that it would be best to go ahead and accept the offers from these two organizations and at the same time do everything possible to get our products, the rules book, etc., pro- tected in Washington. With that decision we must give some thought to what we are going to release to "Life" and also just what we are going to do in the way of giving the Paramount people what they want. For example, could you arrange to have a game played for the motion picture company at this time? By'this time' I refer to the fact that you have advised your school is about ready to close and I am wondering whether you have players who would co-operate. By like token, what material are you in a position to give "Life". We would like to get in on this publicity angle and work up this story for "Life", in cmjunction with you, and a representative from this organization, and are wondering just what steps must be taken to do this. We have not received from you any information concerning the inquiry you received fron "life" other than thefact that one had been made to you. Another factor that enters into this picture of how and when we are going to get this publicity, is the fact that you are scheduled to come through 5t. Louis one of these days, and we will have to work out a schedule convenient for all con-