LICENSEE OF NEW YORK CITY Andlaurer Hilm Cn. Peneen = OZARK BUILDING - KANSAS CITY. MO. VICTOR 4658 7 /25-39 Dre Forrest Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase My dear Phog: =~ | Thanks for your letter of July 21st relative to your new game of GoaleHie 3 I trust that you will write another letter to the manufacturing company explaining to them that if I can place the game in a Paramount News story it is publicity that $5,000. could not buy. News reels are a very Gifficult proposition and as they are — interested today they are a liberty to cmcel tomorrow -- it is to your advantage to rush things along immediately. Kindly advise the interested parties and allow me your reactione mala Billy Andlauer. waa/a