RURAL SCHOOL PLAYTIME SCHOOL RECREATION PERIOD | OUTDOOR BASKETBALL PRACTICE | PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES UNI-GOAL For Outdoor Basketball The UNI-GOAL for playground basketball has simplified the problem of providing outdoor basketball equipment. Heretofore a substantial investment, together with a continuous maintenance expense has been UNI-GOAL OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT necessary. One UNI-GOAL takes the place of the | ‘oF FREE two goals and backstops regularly used on pees LINE a formal court and offers the same facil- rl tawny Tuer tne wal ities for play. For those operating school or Geta "intmy be se om 20 te 3 fe — playgrounds it will be found to be a Seo eee real economy. sob The UNI-GOAL requires less than half the space needed for a for- mal court. It can be erected wherever a small space is available. To insure long service without expense for maintenance, it is built of heavy steel members electrically welded into one solid unit, RUST- PROOFED, and designed especially to withstand high wind pressure and rough weather conditions. Net is WEATHERPROOFED. Since the playing area entirely surrounds the goal more players can enjoy the game. In formal games, boundary and free throw lines may be easily marked by circles drawn at properly measured dis- stances, using the goal standard as center. For ordinary playground activities little supervision, if any, is required. Uni-Goal is the ideal type of equipment for public playgrounds be- cause it economically furnishes in a substantial way the facilities for playing one of the most popular of all American games. High schools find it particularly desirable for the outdoor activites of the boys and girls in physical education classes. Smaller schools find it ideal for furnishing healthful recreation for all pupils before and after school and throughout vacation periods. O u MPLI 7 ‘ Cc 7 O 3 UO ©» re E Factor OL fo ary e TOL Cee | intr , Pee ney