May 18, 19359. Mire Re By Weinzettel, Medart Menufecturing Cos, — Ste Louis, iissouri « ‘Dear re Weinzettels _This will acknowledge receipt of your letters of May 8, 9, and In regard to the meeting of the Rules Comittee some time this fell, possibly August, this will be the executive group with Porter, Tower, Rowe and the other individuals who live in close proximity to — these mene This obviates the necessity of all the menbers getting to- : Regarding the size of the modified backboard, I might say that the Rules Committee asked ne to have other committee menbers work on a modified boards They suggested doing some additional work on a flat surface board 3* by 4', and‘ the convex board with a width of 46" to 5*, using a radius first of 2*S", and then another board with : @ radius of 2t6", So you can see they apparently Yad nothing definite in mind until Mere Powter and Mre Tower got together and worked out the diagram in the wee hours of days, as Porter says in his letter of May 9. These gentlemen are members of the Research Comittee and they have a perfect You will recall that this streamlined backboard was lire Porter's idea, but all the coaches and research men that I have talked to say it is too small. This has been proven out in our practice. ‘lone of’ our players like it. Mre Porter did not tell the committee that this was his idea, but rather let it go that this was just one of the boards that your firm submitteds ee I will certainly vote for a modified backboard, but I would like to see, the convex board voted on as a modified board as optional equip} ment, It was the feeling of the committee that the convex board should