le not be sanctioned as an optional board for this year. Therefore, I, as one of the committee members, would rather see the entire mtter left ee ee a a ca ae ce committee for next year. I am so writing Mre Porter to that effect, and I am enclosing a copy of my letter. You can see why many coaches would not adopt the convex board as an optional board this year because the opponents would object to playing on a convex board after they had practiced one fiat board. | Silk ths, Helin: Vans ten sociale is tlt ‘Wie eines Wisely ee ee oe tor but many of them said they wanted | to try it out first. Maik hls Walk: Ateceneesans Sich 4 sant oe Wee Ges Gis tienes op that were to be ineluded in the Rules Committee minutes, but they were for me, as eheirmn, to work out with my research ¢onmittec. I was to take this matter up with the research committee, but apparently Mire Porter and Mre Tower did sone work while they were still in sessione ik i aeenlite Shank ede seule Olas Wiad kk Hsiied tek Seca. and of course I will be glad te do everything that I can. But since Porter is leading out with this I would keep close to the source of activitye I would be guided in my actions by what Porter suggests, be~ cause Porter is in a gocd position in the high schools to have any of _ his high school people erect boards under his direction and do the re- search work that he desires. For that reason I have always had a very liberal attitude toward civing Mre Porter attention in the research worke He has the facilities to work withe You are emetly wight in not desiring to build additional backbeards of the dimensions used in your three backboards until you get something definite. I would press Porter for an early answer and ask his advice. Of course, Tower is editor of the Guide and Porter is secretary of the Rules Committee, so you see there is a pretty close hook-up there. . Answering your question regarding appointments that I have on my calendar for the next thirty days, I might say that on May 18, 19, 20, 22,5 23 end 26 I expect to be out of towms. ‘Some of these are high school commencement dates which take me awy for the evening only. Our final examinations are fron Jme 1 to 8, and commencement on Jme i112. I an giving examinations on Jme 3 and 7. In between same of these dates I eee ee ae gee ns eee cs Pee dee ae te cic ee to you, or if you care to come to Lawrenee that would be perfectly satis-= with mee Whatever is w Begg” al arama , will be glad to see you and lir. ledarte Referring again to the small beard, I quite agree with you that the expense would be casiderable, and I believe that is out. The trend of the committee was toward a larger board. s uieuahae aot ok Cee” small that board could be to use the old attachments, such as braces |