oe September 25, 1945 Mr. John David Montgomery, Editor & Publisher Miami Beach Daily | Miami Beach, Florida Dear Johnny: Fred Harris, a Lawrence boy who was our star punter on our football team, forward in basketball, and a hurdler on the track team in 1933-35 has,been stationed at Richmond Air Station the first eighteen months that he was in the service in 1942-43. Fred majored in physical education and journalism and _has his A.B. from Kansas University. He knows basketball fundamentals very well and has had unusual success in coaching the sport. lle took a group from the Richmond Air Station and beat Miami in 1943. Fred thinks he would like this spot if all things turned out satisfactorily. I am wondering if you could quitely inquire into the situation and let me know what the possibilities are. Fred could assist as well as coach track, and in addition to that he would be a very able man in physical education as he has done mostly that in the Navy. He was discharged last week and he had a Lt. j.g. commissiony when he quit the Navy. And too, John, he is not a bad journalist. Maybe the editor and published might be interested. This afternoon Fred and I were recalling some of your _ strenous and manly art of self-defense. When I described you Fred said, “Hd is that little dark complexioned fellow that was always knocking his opponent out%. I would appreciate your writing me at your earliest convenience. I am tickled to death to hear the wonderful reports of your unusual success in Miami. I have been writing a monthly letter to the boys in the service. I call it the "Jayhawk Rebound", I am sending you one of the voluminous epistles which every journalist must abhor, but it tells you a lot ‘about some. of your brother Phi si. So just regard it as a Montgomery Ward circular. a . Fraternally, Director of Physical Education / FCA:LM