DE PAUL UNIVERSITY «© DEPARTMENT OF ATHL DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Lt. Col. “Com” Haggerty GRADUATE MAN Arthur Norse BASKETBALL COACH Ray Neyer September 21st, 1945 Dr. Forrest B. Alien, Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: It has been a long time since I have communicated with you, but you will be pleased to know that we have maintained Basketball interest in the Midwest during the War, and have done a fairly good job at it. we have always enjoyed having Phog Allen's team visit Chicago. The invitation is always open to you, and at this time I would like to suggest the possibility of a home and home series with De Paul University. We would like to play . K.U. at your home, and we would like to have you play in Chicago. I can offer you the eel eneng dates in Chicago, if you are interested: February 2nd, on which night Northwestern plays Notre Dame on the other half of the double- header. February 16th, on which night Northwestern plays I1li- near on the other half of the double- eader,. I would appreciate hearing from you within the next few days as to your reaction. With very best personal regards, I remain Sincerely fans IAF GRADUATE MANAGER of Athletics 10 South LaSalle Street Chicago 5, Illinois