September 5, 1945 Mr. Fred 5. Montgomery ; Co-ordinator hee Prisoners of War University of Kansas Extension Division Dear Freds After having looked over the course outlines, and — examinations in the following subjects: Theory of Tools and Sporting Matters 6 S 1080 Theory of Instruction and Education 6 8 10&1 Selected Parts of Gynmastics Exercises 4 S$ 1083 Prastice of Sports 6 8 1093 I am of the opinion that it looks to me as if this material is sufficient to give the students an excellent cross section of this work. I am not certifying as to the qualification of the instructors nor the quality of the work, but I am of the definite opinion that this should consume in the most profitable and education manner. | ° A | Sincerely yours, Porrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education : Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:med