THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION LAWRENCE BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION July 9, i945 Dr. Fe G. Allen Chairmen, Department of Physical Education 105 Robinson Gymnasium Caiipus Heacd of the department addressed: You will recall the recent meeting at which the matter of the Prisoners of War at Concordia was discussed. At that meeting, Mr. Malott requested that this office be the clearing house for the University. The conclusions reached at the meeting were forwarded to the United States Army officer in charge of prisoner education. The material requested of the prisoners has been submitted. Attached you will find the course outlines and examination questions in the following subjects in your department. Theory of Tools and Sporting Matters 6 S 1080 Theory of Instruction and Education 6S 1081 Selected Parts of Gymnastics Exercises 4S 1083 Practice of Sports 6 S 1093 At your earliest convenience, please examine the courses of study, and indicate if the outlines require adequate ma- terial for the hours devoted to each subject. You will recall that it is the purpose of the University only to certify to the material covered in relation to the class hours devoted to study, and in no way are we to be respon- sible for the quality of the instruction or the yualifications of the instructors. Further, we are not responsible for the grading of students. Since time is limited, an early written reply concerning the adequacy of the materials in relation to the hours spent is requested. Sincerel eee Fred S. Montgome Co-ordinator FSM: sg Prisoners of War Incls. yours,