So N. Woe 4 el, (A 14 4| We stress physical fitness, Will write each boy a letter in a few daysSe In the meantime they will work in in the gymnasium doing sittingeup exercises, pumching the bag, etce in order to develop and limber up the arm and lege museles and build themselves up physically = this will help do eway with sore muscles when actual practice beginse It is not necessary to throw a baseball to got into physical conditions 3 This is essentially a college game and we will play it as an ameteur game, thie same as we play amateur basketball heree We will play college baseballs We will play it and enjoy ite We donnot have much to start with = the last year's Varsity is shot and there are few freshmen mene Any boy in college wants to play and who can hit the ball is eligible to plays Only five remaining from last year's teame Will work in gym at first, getting legs and arms and general physical condition in shapes Then will go outside laters Will have spring basketball practice at night after football is over, and baseball in the daytime. Will not elect a captain ยป will appoint ones Working with Frank Bukaty and Red Bugane 8/4 of the men who attended meeting last night played softball and that is bad because you cannot use a soft ball player for a hard ball player = different swing with the bate