PAGE THREE. . , : ie _THE MC-ALPHAN ile OCTLBER,. 1945 ON "THE “ALUMNT “FIRING LINE ‘~~ ) Capt. Robert L. Zane, 0560505, APO 321, ‘San Francisco, is No. 109 to Wecoine a any” paid.up member of the House Come. Bob says if any of you Bros. in tne Pacific see the sign "Grim Reapers"--that he will be; pees, to. find Lt. Freddi Foarde Thanks Capte--it was enol hearing from YOULe Dr. Harvey Jennett *2l1 is no longer at Bell Memorial Hospital, having established of= fices in the Professional Siter in Kansas Citys “~ i sal 3 ; 2/¢ Bailey Gallison wrties on Barbi 260i. Plaza Hotel. stathonney that he is paneanethiy based at Pier 92 in N.Ye after returning from Africa, «Says he has requested. Crypto- graphy School but hasn't heard whether he got it or nots Thinks there's a’ Mo Bros there as 0,0. WE'd like to hear more of this: item. Bailey is oaly 18 miles from his _ so he is home most every nite. Jack Duncan and Craig Ruby put ona ousitl rush party atthe K.C, ball Park on July 22, About 12 rushees were entertained. These — are GAeSine acquainted now waich all helps our rushing probl éitt very muche ef esate ¢@ | weio L ! Capt. Hops Walker, 0-1102108, Co. nan 7th Engrs, Conss Bhi, APO 7295, Seattle, Wash. pays his 1945 note right on the dote Thanx Bob; also’ for the $5 on the papers Nice goin. ) tete b oA | Cur old vat San hivkey is now associate Dean of -the College of Aer. bedrve Newton 442, Phi Beta Kappa and linguist deluxe, has received the Daniel Le, Shor- ey traveling fellowship at tne U, of Cnicago, and will, work for a doctor of phblespphy degree in Greek, Congrotedl. ateney Georece From Bro. Pe Me Wiley's Penns Alpha Newsletter3 W and J Phi Psis in gopoluiat are nol d- ing luncheons every Wednesday noon at the KZWALO RESTAURANT, Phone 67851. for reserva tions, ‘There are several Mo. Bros, in that City. Why not start-a luncheon club there peace Maybe we can make it cpa Comdre Ge Wilse Rolel nentrs LARS notices**** Henry Houts '1S real estate specialist is now with Cornet and Zeibig 7813, Forsytne (Branch Office) Clayton 5, Moy Ye edespent 4 very. pleasant evening: with Sudgas and Mrs. sot Strother at their coun- try estate near Grandview, Mo. Here is interesting news from Lte Kyle Fagin; UsS.Inf. .First.he closes out his house notes with a $75800 ‘Be Bonds Next he is.a proud papa.of Michael Kyle Fagin, for the class of 1965 at Mo Alpha, Kyle was,wounded in France with the 30th Inf. Dive last Auge 8th and has been in various hospitals but is home now on 30 day leave and will ‘report back to Jefferson Barracks soon., July, 26th for -redistributione Thanks a lot Kyle and we sure wo « be on hand. for the reunion after the.war at Columbia... Word ‘from Phil ‘Sydney 117, zan Maitland's old col. lege playaate and ‘soldier of fortune (just discharged) and newspaper man from Anthony, ; Kansas~--Anthony's, only .aewspapers "Republican" and "Times". sends $5,for the purpose.of buying a new frame.for that huge picture of that«"MISSOU TIGER". (he calls it.a licn) that he says he -presented . to the chapter after finding same in one. of Columbia's.better 2nd hand. stores (Probably some sorority. house) vinen in school. He says to lookin Puny Walden's basement if_we can! t find it in the bank vault. Anyhow he sends five pucks,furnish, the "LODGE" ,... Thanx Phyllis. You failed to tell us what rank you ‘attained while in uniforms . Please do this for our MO SERVICE RECORD, ina RRND te Ci PN ga ES EAU ee AO ES A A Me hem oe grein ne 5 man