Ptohrville Rural High Schoo! — WW. €. Morrow Principal | & Blutt City, Kansas . February 15, 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Coach Intercollegiate Basket Ball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Because of your distinctive position I am writing to solicit your shpport i matter, which I trust is meritorioud and in which you probably might be interested. You possibly will remember me as a student on the campus and as principal of the high schools at McLouth and Tonganoxie nearby, For this,my.second year, I am serving as principal and coach of the Stohrville Rural High School, located at Bluff City in Harper county, Kansas. However my bona-fide residence is at South Haven, Sumner county, Kansas. At South Haven I have a son, “enneth, who finishes high school this spring. Kenneth is making pland and desires to enter K. U. this fall. His mother, Laura McKay (deceased “ecember 30,1944) and I graduated at K. U. in 1916. I have a Master's from the same in 1934. Kenneth's application to Dean Henry Werner (or is it Adviser to Men?) for residence in one of the Men's Residence Scholarship Halls is going ferward in today's mail. For your consideration I would like to state that Kenneth has been "all out" for athletics:since he was in the sixth grade. A brief resume of such athletic participation follows: Four years! of high school football, climaxed last fall by his being captain and quarter-back of an ever-viétorious nine game season. A regular member of his school basket ball team from grades six to twelve.-- high point man in his district basket ball tournament last spring and consistently high point scorer in all games this season and he is not an individual player. In his sophonire year his school tried baseball -- Kenneth did a creditable job of catching. Last spring he was something of a general utility man on his track team. Last, but not least, he has been consistently on his high school Honor Roll this year. (For the latter I give all the credit to his mother -- she was Phi Beta Kappa at K.U.+