January 9, 1946 Mr. Bill Medley 412 South Market Sfreet Caldwell, Kansas — Dear Bill: Your Special Delivery letter, which was mailed to me before Christmas, was not delivered until day before yesterday. Our team left Christmas for Oklahoma City but your letter was left at a neighbor's house. It was not delivered to the University. Doubtless they had some young inexperienced helpers to handle the Christmas rush and left it at the wrong place. Only this week a neighbor of ours, whe has been away, came over and left your letter at our house, saying that it had been left in her mail box. We sold our home at 80] Louisiana and moved into a cottage of ours that we owned down at 831 Louisiana, However, even this would not satisfactorily explain the situation because on the envelope it was marked 831 Louisiana, but was left across the street and these people were away during the Christmas week. T am sorry it has happened because I would have been happy to make reservations for youe However, I would not have been able to have gotten them myself, because they were making reserva+ tions and they would have been left in your name, We got no tickets at all and let the ticket people handle them. With every good wish for a Happy and Prosperous. New Year and regretting this failure on the part of the mail man, I am Stneerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.