January 7, 1946 Mre Frank Myers, Financial Secretary Athletics Association Kansas State College Menhattan, Kansas Dear Frank; Congratulations to Coach Knorr and your school on the exciting upset victory that you pulled on one of my good boys, Looie Menze. Of course, a lot of these fellows will say I rather hed a hunch. Well, I really did because I went out early to get the paper the next morning and when I read it, it was & total surprise. These Aggies boys are tough on the Nichols Gymna- sium floor, And I might add parenthetically, I have always found them tough on this Hoch Auditorium floor. Frank, I am still worried about that dust on that | Nichols Gymnasium floor, You have always been kind enough to have it scrubbed for us in the late afternoon to get the dust off the floor and lessen the slickness due to the dust. Too, the water seals the dust in the cracks, which helps no end. They have always scrubbed it with werm water, which we appreciate very much, and . we will appreciate this kindly act of cooperation, I would have written to Mike but I am following ‘precedent; since I have always written you previously about this, | I am continuing in the usval vain, ag Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosperous New. Year, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA3sMF | Varsity Basketball Coach.