January 2, 1946 Mr, Dick Merriman Marysville, Kansas Dear Dicks | I am tremendously interested in seeing you attend the University of Kansas this next semester, which starts in early February. We are playing Nebraske at Lincoln on January 11 and I trust that it will be possible for you to come to Lincoln and be our guest for that CAMS e . We will stop at the Hotel Lincoln and will be glad to have you go out to the game with us from there. George Macleod has written me that he ~ expects to be at the game, so doubtless you ean ride up with hime I hope. so because I would like mighty well to have you meet our boys. And, too, we have heard so many fine things about you that we want you on our varsity basketball teams You know freshmen are eligible and you oan start right out with the squad. Don't you be afx of not making the basketball squad. A lot of fellows will tell you it. too difficult to make, Sylvester Schmidt made it and all the Marysville boys have made a fine showing here at the University, so don't let them give you the old talk that you are not good enough to make the team at KeUe You are, and to play with men like Black and Schnellbacher will help your game tremendously. You learn a lot more with good players ~ than you do with poor ones. So you set your cap for the University and I know you will be happy. With &11 good wishes, I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.