August 16, 1946 Mre Dick Miller Chanute, Kansas ‘Dear Dick: I am wondering how you are progressing in your search for a jobe ‘There are several places that I know of where there are vasunoies. Smith Center has an opening for an assistent coach who woukd teach social science, They would pay $2300.00 or $2400.00 for nine months. I have recently heard that Eureka High School is opene I think that it would be worth investigating. If I were you, I would keep pounding on the Washington Rural job because I think that should be a good place. Topeka probably has an opening for an assistant coach in the high school, since Carl Spear is going to Baker University as head coache. They may have a vacancy in one of the junior highs. I suspect these jobs will pay about $2400.00, I talked to you about Parsons Junior High School and TI oan seal that you have seen about this already. ; I am leaving~tomorrow on a twoeweeks' vacation to Colorado but will: be back by the first of September. I hope to hear by thut time that you have landed a fine job for next year. Very sincerely yours, Henry A. Shenk — Chairman of the — HAS si - Department of Physical Education @ duly 30, 1946 Mrs Bill Miffin Miffin Furniture Store 3113 Huntoon Street Topeka, Kansas Dear Bills - I certainly appreciated your congratulatory letter of May 15, even though I have been very tardy in acknowledging ite We are beginning to get things rolling in our new organization, but it will take sometime, I am fortunate in having an excellent group of instructors in the department. I do not know where one could find any better men in their fields than Dr. Allen, Dr. Elbel, Kanehl, and: Strait. I certainly appreciated your various boosts you have given me and I am looking forward to the time when we can have a good visit. Very sincerely yours, ee \ Henry Ae Shenk, | Chairman of the HAS3sMF Department of Physical Education. July 19, 1946 Mr. Alfred Moore, Jr., PhM 3/e . Barracks G10 Ue Se Ne Personnel Separation Center Lido Beach, Long Island, New York Dear Sir: I was given your letter by the Department of Athletics, since it primarily concerns the Department of Physical Education. In enswer to your inquiry in regard to weight-lifting, we do not have a weight-lifting course, a weight-lifting team, nor do we intend to establish any. We are not nearly so interested in developing bulky muscles as we are in developing skill and coordina- tion in a number of worthwhile activities. Of course, you could work on your own in the gymnasium as we do have a set of weights that you could uses If you plan to enter the university this fall, I would suggest that you have your high school transcript sent to the registrar, Mr. James Ke Hitt, and try to make arrangements through the —rr Housing Bureau for some sort of en accommodations. I am enclosing a pamphlet on our physical education program. Very sincerely yours, ; Henry Ae Shenk, HS :MP Director of Physical Education. FOR THE COMPANY MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING AT OUR ST. LOUIS OFFICE. _ FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. 3535 DE KALB STREET SAINT Louris 18, Mo. LEN A. MAUNE COMPANY DISTRICT SALES REPRESENTATIVE 310 PICKWICK OFFICE BUILDING 903 MCGEE TELEPHONE: VICTOR 7805 5 “ KANSAS CITY 6, MO. Kansas City : Me April 29, 1946 Mr. Henry A. Shenk University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Shenk: several pieces of literature are being sent you under separate cover, according to your request while visiting our exhibit at the Physical Education Show in St. Louis. It is our understanding that you wanted a quotation on our Springboard. We are pleased to offer the following: No. 35M POPIMEDOOld, .ccceeeeseeeersrivoss $56.00 F,0.5,, factory, St. Louis, Missouri. A description of this item will be found on page 6 in the apparatus catalog. aS Schools supported by public funds may be exempt from the 10% Federal Excise Tax by signing the enclosed certificate This must accompany your order. We hope to be of service to you in this matter. I1f we ar to be favored with an order, please address it to Fred Me Mfg. Co. at the above Kansas City address. r vere ° pene eee nna pk? we ee ees a ne ee Os : . 4 WEE Riga grea A gy 2 oe < ee Very truly yours Mr. Jack Miller c/o Miller Furniture Company Lawrence, Kansas Dear Jack $ | Since I was out of town at the time that your three tickets arrived, I am returning then to youe However, we did go to see Ernie Pyle's "Story of Ge Ie Joe", but it was Satur- day night and, of course, we could not use these tickets. I am sorry that I could not be the means of sending you a $1.23 for these three tickets. Certainly if I had been in town, Ivould have delighted to have responded to your Vice=Commander George 0. Starkey's appeal, Sincerely, : Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence DORSEY~LIBERTY POST NO. 14 AMERICAN LEGION Lawrence, Kansas April 13, 1946 Dear Comrade: . Here are three tickets} You may SELL them or you may USE them! THREE TICKETS for what we believe will be the finest event in the history of the Dorsey~Liberty Post of the AMERICAN LEGION, THE STORY of G. I. JOH, the motion picture of the life of ERNIE PYLE, - PLUS ~ the public installation of more than one hundred new members into our post! THREE TICKETS which will entitle the holders to see a great picture depicting the life of the best friend the G. I. ever had, and at the same time to see and hear the presentation of the principles of the American Legion presented to the public in the true light of Legion endeavor. You won't want to miss either event! THREE TICKETS! SELL THEM! USE THEM! GIVE THEM AWAY! Or return them. We sincerely hope it will not be the latter. The Fost Treasury needs the money. Send your check to Jack Miller, c/o Miller Furniture: bring your check to the theatre on the 18th; or give it to Jack Miller, Harry Barnard, Commander Moore, Ernie Pontius, Dick Keen or Harold Fisher. The total cost is $1.23 for THREE TICKETS, a tax of 9 cents to be paid at the box office. Tickets are good for the 18th, ONLY. Dick Washburn and his team are all set to give us a real inspiring demonstra~ tion of just how a good initiation team works. Sincerely yours, GEO. O. STARKEY Vice—Commander Gos/j Enc, April 23, 1946 ~ Miss Pearl Mobley . ! Beallsville, Ohio ioe Dear Miss Mobley: I acknowledge receipt of your inquiry asking about the effects of tobacco and alcohol. : : | In reply, I beg to state that no embitious and ine telligent athlete who aspires to top honors will think of using tobacco or alcohol during his growing and training periods The use of tobacco is positively harmful to the nervous system and the blood-vascular system. No athlete can become as fine an athlete by using tobacco as he can by abstaining from it, There is not one beneficial contribution aceruing from the use of tobaeeG, Nicotine is one of the most deadly poisons and no ; far-sighted boy would use it. ae As for the use of alcohol, I think it is hardly worth mentioning becauge scientists have shown for years the harmful and degrading effects of the druge Certeinly no coach would tolerate the use of alcohol by any of his boys if he wanted to develop winners and firste class citizens. ; Sincere ly, ; a Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF - Varsity Basketball Coach. Beallsville, Qhio April 12, 1946 Forrest C. Allen Basket Ball Coach, Kansas University, Laweren¢e, Kansas. : Dear Mr. Allenw As a out Science. class, we are writing to outstanding coaches, to get their opinion on the uses of tobacco and alcohol by athiets. We would appreciate it very much if you would give us-the benifit of your knowlecge on the subject. Yours very truly, Pearl Mobley. IM:MAM: Aprii ll, 1946 Milton Be Miller, NeDs, FeAe(.S. Coe | Suite 200 Central Building : : | Topeka, Kansas Dear Milt: I was delighted to be able to render any small service I could to you and your family, especially to your son Bradford. Call on me at any = it will be @ pleasure to serve you. Kurland was just too tell for us, I am sure that your analysis of the situation was exactly that of mine. Next year they won't have the tall boy and we ane to give them a closer battle. \ “With ‘all good wishes to you, I am Sincerely yours, as Director of Physical Edueation, . FOA:KF Varsity Basketball Coach. April 10, 1946 Jack B. Markle, ARM 3/c, USNR Ground Communications CATU Building, Hult Field ‘ Whidbey Island, Washington | 4 Dear Jacks Your letter of December 10 has been on my desk for ; a considerable length of time. Having been here through basketball season in previous years, you fully realize what consternation and © confusion flows through my office during those precious months of a basketball season, Now that we have tucked away the Big Six Champ= ionship and lost in our attempt to win the N.GsAsA. to the Oklahoma Aggies, we are ina period of catching our breath and reorganizing ourselves. . It was certainly swell of you to write such a nice letter. I particularly enjoyed your comments upon the Canada women gituation, Your reaction to being away from home seems to fair favorably with that of the thousands of others who pave spent time in the werrine om the wars : You have not received a copy of the Rebounds for several months because we just have not had the time to put them out. I am sorry that this situation has had to be this way ‘but it could not be _—— I am looking forward to seeing you back next ; falls We are anticipating a pretty good year acein, as most of our boys will be returning, plus many veterans such as yourself, Sincerely yours, 4 ; Director of Physical Education, FCA sMF Varsity Basketball Coach. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND, WASHINGTON December 10, 1945, Forrest C, Allen Physical Education Dept., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Doc" Allen: I've begun to think that you've sort of forgotten about me. I haven't re- ceived a copy of your Jayhawker Rebound for several months. I guess it's be- cause you're pretty busy with the team now that the basketball season is in full swing. How's the old K. U. team doing? I haven't heard any news from the "Hill" for so long it seems like ages. The Navy here on "Whidbey Jima" is kind of Seine to the dogs, There are only a couple squedrons in operation now.and there are thousands of men sitting around waiting for a discharge. The main thing that is holding them up is tidiensniatien. They say traveling is really popular now days. I1 guess all these "war-weary civilians" are taking their long postponed trips now. I won't have to "worry" about a discharge for about four months at least. It'll be a happy day when this 1i1' boy gets his "foot-square" piece of paper saying he cen go home. I expect to be back in K. U. by next fall, I've run into several guys from the old home state but none that I knew when I was at K. U. Whidbey Islend is a pretty out of the way place for guys from Kansas who are used to the wide open spaces to find. Boy! What I wouldn't give to be back in those wide open spaces. Liberty is pretty poor here. We get enough of it but the big cities are too darned far away. Seattle is the closest and it is almost forty miles raway. Most of the guys go up to Vancouver, B. C., to see if it's true that these Canadian girls are just as nice as the ones in the U. S. I*d take an American girl any time to a bone girl. Sailors have a pretty good deal up in Vancouver, An American Sailor can't even walk down the street without being whistled at by at least five or six girls in every block. That's why most of the "Swabbies" from here go up there. By the way, have you heard of the Whidbey Island Basketball Team? Prob- ably not, We have a pretty good team but not exactly aces. They were organ= ized by a Chief Commissary Steward here who is interested very much in sports, basketball and football in particular. : I must close now and go eat supper (chow). Let me hear from you if you have time, Very Ph Mt we ck FE. Markle P. S. I have a new address: Jack E, Markle, ARM3/c, USNR, Ground Communications, CATU Bldg., Ault Field, Whidbey Island, Weshington. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND, WASHINGTON April 4, 1946 Dr. James Mott County Health Director City Hall Building Lawrence, Kansas Dear Jim: . I spoke at Neal, Kansas, the other night and Ducky Harold Grove, an old Delta Tau Delta brother of yours at Baker University, wished to be remembered to yous I am sorry that I will not be at the Health Board meeting tonight, as I had promised some patron of the university that Ivould speak at Neodesha tonight. I spoke to Mr. Pine and excused myself under the condi- tions. I hope that I will be able to be with you at the next Health Board meeting. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA:sMF Varsity Basketball Coach, we & March 28, 1946 Ure Robert Fe Mines Mount Royal College Calgary, Alberta Dear Mr. Minest Your letter to the President of the University of Kansas has been referred to me for aumters : I am disappointed to state that at present we are fully staffed in the Department of Physical Education for this term and, as far as I know, at this time, we will be so staffed for the 1946-1947 term. I might add, that if - you are still interested in a position at this university _ you might write sometime at: a later date, say perhaps early summer, requesting this position, It is possible that there might be some changes in the department by then Sincerely yours, | , - Director of Physical Education, FCAcMF | Varsity Basketball Coach, Pie tap tp S 3 ts 1b i ——— eet tag .. the /GF46-/ ad, ee np reeds bil tets OA are CLASS OF SERVICE \ } E; S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- : NL=Night Lecter am unless its de- erred character is in- of 1 8 LC =Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable oe : symbol above or pre- . : NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS ~ Ship Radiogram J The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time a Frecint HENRY Gone = of Chu on KAZ83 20=TB NEWYORK NY 19 356P - CHARLEY BLACK= | ce ‘UNIVERSITY KANSAS LAWRENCE KANS= | ‘ROOM AND BOARD RESERVED FOR You HOTEL BELVEDERE 319 WEST 48TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAYS GLAD TO HAVE YOU WITH US= EVERETT NORRIS THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Received WESTERN UNION March 15, 1946 Dr. Allen: oe ' Please wire collect if I can get two basketball tickets for Oklahoma A&M and Kansas game. Louis Smith Salina, Kansas March 12, 1946 Mr. Herman Moore 800 South Senta Fe Salina, Kensas Dear Wr, Moore: | I called Mr. Clyde Baker, Ticket Manager, Municipal © _Auditorium, 13510 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City 6, Missouri, and made reservations for 6 $2.00 tickets for you. To insure getting prompt delivery of your tickets, write to Mr. Baker and enclose your check to cover the amount of the tickets, Send your letter via special delivery and enclose a self-addressed special delivery envelope. I ai quite sure you will get the tickets by communicating with lr. Baker, although I really sweat blood to get these for youe Sincerely, \ | a Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF | _ Varsity Basketball Coach. - March 9, 1946 i Mr. Louis Menze Director of Athletics Iowa State College Anes, Towa Dear Louies It /is mighty nice of you to write extending congratulations and offering best wishes for our future. I feel very much like Hunk Anderson did when he, playing on the Notre Dame football team as they were departing for West Point, was asked to say a word, Hunk got upon the truck at the station and said, "All I have to say is that we will do the best I can.” Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA: iF Varsity Basketball Coach. IOWA. STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN March 7, 1946_ Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: That was really a swell looking ball club that you had the night you beat us at Lawrence. Going like you did against us, I believe you could beat any team in the country. Before you start out on the N.C.A.A. play-offs, I want to extend to you my best wishes and I hope that you can go all the way. cerely, | oe n/s rector of Athletics February 27, 1946 Milton Be Miller, MeDey FeAeC.S; Suite 200 Gentral oe Topeka, Kansae ‘Dear Milts It was awfully nice of you to take time from your busy existence to write us a note congratulating us on our Big Six Championship this year, The things you say naturally please us and coming from you, a very dure able and sincere gentleman, I assure you I appreciate it. Milt, you have always been just whet you are, int a fair weather friend, but one you could always count on. If you didn't like anything, you didn't throw brick bats, but expressed your opinion in a fine way, I have always admired you very, very much and I do appreciate this letter, } Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches