& November 21, 1945. Mr. George D,. MacLeod, 809 Broadway, | Marysville, Kansase Dear Mac: I want to teke this opportunity to thank you for your letters about your fine Marysville boys, I am sorry that I had a meeting of the War Memorial Comaittee on Saturday when you were here, but I did see Little and had a nice visit with him at Rotary on Monday. ie is a dandy bore We will be glad to have all three of the boys rey ( One of the boys called me this morning - I didn't get hin wil but I imagine it must have been Roemer. ile told me he wanted to study chemical engineering, so I called the Engineering Office and they doubt | at this late date that he could do much good for himself. ‘They suggest if he is deficient at all in mathematios that he get that up in good shape, even if he had to take it by correspondence, They wavered for a while about the possibility of admitting him this late in the semester, but not knowing how good his math is they cautioned that he get that up _in good shape. February 11 is the beginning of the next semester. As I recall, Roemer didn't have any previous Sethane work, but Shey thought if he had had they might admit him, but a boy is under quite - a hendicap by starting this late, Therefore, I feel that he would be better off to prepare for his entrance by getting all the mathematics he can, even to the point of taking correspondence work if necessary. The reason I am writing you is because I did not have the boy's name and address, and I will ask you, Mac, if you will be kind enough to get word to this young man. He was leaving on the 9 o'clock train this morning and I told him I would go to the office and get the information he desired. lie was leaving and couldn't wait, so I am writing you in order that he will get the necessary information. If, perchance, this is not Roemer, I will appreciate it if you can get the information to |. the right party. The young man had been to Kansas City. I know the ine formation on the chemical engineering is correct because that is what he wanted, The boy wanted to play basketball this first semester, if he could, but he couldn't get enrolled so he will just have to wait until next semester. ' We deeply appreciate your loyalty to the University. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.